CODATA, The Committee on Data for Science and Technology
5 rue Auguste Vacquerie
75016 Paris, France
Tel.: +33 1 45250496
Fax: +33 1 42881466
Contact the Secretariat
International Council for Science : Committee on Data for Science and

At the 25th CODATA General Assembly on 26-27 October in Beijing,
the following Mission Statement was approved:
The mission of CODATA is to strengthen international science for the benefit of society by promoting improved scientific and technical data management and use.
The CODATA website has been redesigned.
Please visit the main CODATA site for information About CODATA, its Mission, Membership, Task and Working groups, and links to the Data Science Journal and CODATA's blog.
CODATA's considerable archives are now installed on this site, and the SEARCH may be used to locate materials of interest. Note that navigational links from archived pages will generally not function properly, as the sites have been split in this way. Please remember to visit the main CODATA site when needed.
CODATA Members, please take note that the protected Members' Area has also been moved to this new site. As a result, the comments in the paragraph above apply to these pages as well.
Working to improve the quality, reliability, management and accessibility of Data for Science and Technology.