19th International CODATA
Category: Data Archiving - The InterPARES Project
Space Science Data Archive Case Study
William E. Underwood (william.underwood@gtri.gatech.edu)
Georgia Tech Research Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia,
The Chain of Preservation
Model is a model of the activities and information needed for records creation
and maintenance, records appraisal, and archival preservation. It provides a
generic preservation framework that can be used by archival institutions to
develop their own preservation strategies depending on their institutional requirements
and the specific bodies of records they must preserve. However, it needs to
be demonstrated that this general preservation model applies in specific cases.
A walkthrough of an activity model is one way of reviewing a model in order
to validate or falsify it. This paper discusses a case study of a space science
data archive that was designed to collect information that was needed for a
walkthrough of the model. This information includes the kinds of digital scientific
data in the archives, the kinds of metadata maintained, and the preservation
activities. The concepts of reliability, accuracy, and authenticity as used
by data archivists and space scientists are discussed. The preservation strategy
used by the data archives, for example, standard data formats and conversion
procedures, is discussed. Finally, the results of the walkthrough are summarized.