19th International CODATA Conference
Category: Infoscience

Managing scientific data using strategy maps

Pradyot Sahu (p.sahu@computer.org)
New Delhi, India

The use of the latest strategic management is very critical to scientific data management.  This paper shows how strategy maps of Balanced Scorecard can be used in managing the scientific data in an organization, a region or a nation. The strategy map framework used is based on a simple but effective model of value creation for the scientific data management. The framework used is for both for-profit and non-profit perspectives. The stakeholders of the scientific data define the sources of value. Cause-and-effect relationships of strategy map define the logic that converts intangible outcomes of scientific data management to tangible outcomes. Budget performance of the management of scientific data provides the tangible definition of value.

The strategy map shows the key priorities in managing the scientific data, the relationships among the performance drivers of the scientific data management and the outcomes. The strategy map also describes the need to balance the opportunities and  the risks associated with the management of scientific data. The strategy map communicates the key elements of the scientific data management strategy. Every assigned objective of the management of scientific data is a part of a chain of cause-and-effect relationships that represent the strategy which the strategic decision makers validate and own. The strategy map also describes what is unique about a particular scientific data management activity and how to create the value with it. To create the value in the management of scientific data, the strategy maps are used to get executive consensus and accountability. The strategy map also eliminates ambiguity and clarifies responsibility in the leadership who manages the scientific data. Strategy maps are used to create alignment among each part of scientific data management activity where each individuals in the leadership of it link their objectives to the strategy map. Strategy maps are easy to view and easy to interpret diagrams to educate and communicate the managers of scientific data about the scientific data management strategy and promote transparency by communication and education of everybody concerned.