International CODATA Conference
Alternative Rainwater-Management and Improvement of the Mesoclimate
in Urban Areas by Plant Based Surface Treatment Technology
Nikolaus Model (NikolausModel@aol.com), Leibniz-Institut
für Agrartechnik Bornim, Germany
Dr.rer.agr. Felipe Omar
Tapia Silva (otapia@centrogeo.org.mx), Centro de Investigación
en Geografía y Geomática "Ing. Jorge L. Tamayo"
A.C., Germany
Dipl.-Geogr. Anne Wehrmann (annewehrmann@hotmail.com),
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Geografisches Institut, Germany
Dr.agr. Hans-Joachim Henze
Institut für Agrar- und Stadtökologische Projekte an der Humboldt-Universität
zu Berlin, Germany
Extensive naturation of building surfaces and particularly
naturation of tram track (TBN) can contribute considerably
for an alternative rain water management, for a reduction of noise and for an
improvement Mesoclimate in Urban Areas. It can be
shown, that TBN reduct the noise, improve the mesoclima
(especialy important for climate conditions with low
exchange) and can contribute considerably for an alternative rain water management.
We especially investigated a urban location in the
German town Berlin.
This location is a street in residential areas. The rain water cycle in towns
is influenced negatively by sealing, traffic, inhabitant number and industry.
The way of using the existing areas in the urban areas has
a deciding influence on the distribution of precipitation, evaporation and drain
and can therefore make rain water retention possible at the location. A model
for the calculation of actual evapotranspiration and superficial flow was developed and
tested. The combined use of the formula from FAO-Grass reference evapotranspiration (Wendling 1995)
and the Development a reduction function for the calculation of actual evapotranspiration taking the change of the soil water reserve
into account (Tapia 2002) have demonstrated their applicability. Its transferability
for other places was confirmed by means of the examination of the computation
results with the measured values. Correlation coefficients between measured
and computed values are between 0,83 and 0,91 for daily
and 0.9 and 0.99 for monthly computations. The model worked better for the summertime.
In this measuring period largest amounts of precipitation and evaporation occur
and the positive effect of naturation on the water regime and on the mesoclimate mostly takes place. On this basis, a computer-assisted
model for water regime computation for the naturation of railways range can be developed. An alternative
rainwater management strategy has been designed. The noise reduction calculations
with the forecast model ANIRAIL yielded a diminution of up to 8dB(A). It can
be represented the frequency dependent representation of the Noise Coefficient
of absorption in dependence of the plant formation. The comparison of the
noise coefficient of absorption with Gravel Track (Gravel High: 0,50 m) show
very good properties of the extensive naturation of
tram track. The improvement of the urban climate by naturation of tram track are computed. The results
show that the relative air humidity [%] is growing from 30 until 70 % (distance
100 m; height 2 m). By means of the geographical informations system ArcView detailed
estimations are made.