19th International CODATA Conference
Category: Poster
Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facilities Project: Developing information infrastructure and integrating databases
Jr-Chuan Huang (1), Hsin-Hui Wu (1), Kun-Chi Lai (1), Kwang-Tsao Shao (2), Ching-I Peng (2), Eric Yen (1)
(1) Computing Centre, Academia
Sinica, Taipei, Taiean
(2) Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiean
Using the Internet as a medium, the goals of Taiwan Biodiversity Information
Facility Project(TaiBIF) provides a infrastructure and a set of reusable tools
for the integration, visualization, analysis and dissemination of diverse types
of biodiversity information. The two strategies are used to approach the goals.
One is to develop information infrastructure, the other is to integrate the
existing databases. There are three subsystems in the information infrastructure,
including: 1. member system, a registered member can post the news that the
user wants to announce and use the content management system to upload/download
the interested documents/files. 2. The comprehensive query system, which accepted
any request string and responded any related items/records such as references,
experts, species information and related website. 3. TaiBIF WebGIS system, which
can shape species or specimens distribution dynamically. Underlying the TaiBIF
information system are four broad categories of information archives and data
sources to support the mentioned system.
The TaiBIF information system, which used locality and scientific name of species as primary key may be used as a multidisciplinary research aid, decision support tool, natural resource management and maintaining biodiversity. Up to now, TaiBIF had collected 33,123 specimens, 43,287 scientific name list, 1,000 reports and 810 related news etc… Future directions want to deploy the new technologies, like EML and Data Grid. Finally TaiBIF must include the development of a capacity to deal comprehensively with and integrate the full spectrum of information used in biodiversity studies.
Keywords: biodiversity,
GIS, Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facilities