Discuss on the mode of data development in the Internet time

Wu Yuxian, Institute of Economics CASS, Beijing, 100836


It is historical that data development has its own mode (collect, process, delivery, store, and use), from “Manual mode”, “Mechanism mode”, and “Electronic mode”, now to the “Network mode”.  The explosively growth of Information has brought new problem. The HTTP of the WWW labeled “web1” has only linked the loose webs one by one when only surface clues can be found, but not the orderly essences inside.


Google’s search engine has not worked traditionally, orderly for data collecting & processing, but disguisedly by website producer’s strength that suit the Internet’s Changing needs well. Its essence is, based on the high-speed operations, broadband communications, flood storage, and software engineering, to collect & process new natural language & non-standard data while supplying service as soon as possible.  It has created a whole chain & circuit from the originally separated links of data development. Based on that the self-learning mechanism of data integration can be constructed. So we should say, “search engine” plus “self-learning” is the advanced mode of data development.


“Network mode” has also been changing, the underlying motivation exits in the development & progress of Internet itself. There are two huge trends force the mode of data development to confront new challenge & decision-making. One is the revolution resulted by “the change of the user market need” & represented by Web2.0, whose P2P characteristic force the change of the mode towards more directly and real-time approaching. Another is the revolution resulted by technological developing tendency & represented by Grid, whose nature of control, dispatch & intelligence may force the mode to be more purposeful & more efficient. Squeezed by the two huge trends from opposite directions, the lagging, crude and inefficient mode will change revolutionarily forced by wise decision-making or silent market.


As for data-development mode, the change of technology & operation need the change of game rule simultaneously. So eliminating barriers, promoting resource sharing, to rationalize the relations of market/non-market is to be a big inescapable work.


Keywords:    Data  development-mode  Internet

Resume:      Wu Yuxian  Apr. 1953 birth  Assistant professor

Field:        Information management, Network administration

E-mail:       wuyx@cass.org.cn

Tel:          86-010-68034425