An Overview of the Session
Tetsuya Ono
Department of Cell Biology,
Risk estimation of low dose ionizing
radiation on human health effects is now based on the assumption because of a
lack of scientific evidence. The risk at high doses of radiation is
extrapolated to low doses assuming a linear dose-response curve. It is called as a linear non-threshold model. The assumption, however, leaves many problems
such as uncertainty in permissible dose for public as well as
radiation-workers, economic burden for following temporary rules, anxiety about
accidental exposure and medical radiation treatment, etc. These problems will
be solved only by scientific approaches to evaluate the effects of low dose
radiation. I will
overview the background and describe briefly the new 5-year research project we have started
to study biological responses to low dose radiation. In the session the speakers will introduce the latest findings in the field including
the effects of low dose
radiation on the gene structure and gene regulation, and also computer modeling
Keywords: Low Dose Radiation,
Health Effect, Risk, Biological Response