21st International CODATA Conference, Kyiv, Ukraine, 5-8 October 2008        
DRAFT Program and Posters                
3 OCT 2008 FRIDAY                      
1000-1300 Workshop I. Kyiv School on Data Science and Materials Design, Krishan Rajan and Shuichi Iwata Ukraine-Japan Centre of NTUU "KPI", library          
1000-1300 Workshop II. HPC Day 2008  Academic Council Hall          
1300-1400 Lunch Café <<Alma mater>>, building #1          
1400-1700 Workshop I. (continued) Kyiv School on Data Science and Materials Design  Ukraine-Japan Centre of NTUU "KPI", library          
1400-1700 Workshop II. (continued) HPC Day 2008 Academic Council Hall          
1715-1745 Transfer to hotel.             
4 OCT 2008 SATURDAY                      
1000-1300 Workshop I. (continuation) Kyiv School on Data Science and Materials Design Ukraine-Japan Centre of NTUU "KPI", library          
  CODATA Materials Task Group, NSF NSDL &TMS Workshop: Data/Tools/Software In Support of Undergraduate Education and Research Experiences in Nanomaterials Ukraine-Japan Centre of NTUU "KPI", library          
1300-1400 Lunch  Café <<Alma mater>>, building #1          
1400-1700 Workshop I. (continuation) Kyiv School on Data Science and Materials Design  Ukraine-Japan Centre of NTUU "KPI", library          
  CODATA Materials Task Group, NSF NSDL &TMS Workshop: Data/Tools/Software In Support of Undergraduate Education and Research Experiences in Nanomaterials (continued) Ukraine-Japan Centre of NTUU "KPI", library          
1715-1745 Transfer to hotel.             
1800-2000 Cultural Events            
5 OCT 2008 SUNDAY          
1000-1300 Sightseeing tour around Kyiv            
1000-1200 Workshop III. CODATA RMA Symposium 2008: International Symposium on Risk Models and Applications Assembly hall, building #35          
1200 Registration (conference registration desk will open at 1200)            
1200-1330 Lunch            
1330-1700 Workshop III. (continuation) CODATA RMA Symposium 2008: International Symposium on Risk Models and Applications Assembly hall, building #35          
14:00-16:30 UN GAID e-SDDC Meeting            
1715 - 1745 Transfer to hotel.             
1800-2000 Welcome Reception, Special Guest: Mr. Iwamoto, UNESCO President Hotel          
6 OCT 2008 MONDAY                      
800 Registration desk reopens, Coffee available in Cultural Centre foyer            
1000-1100 OPENING CEREMONY Culture Centre          
1100-1215 PLENARY SESSION I, Chair: Krishan Lal Culture Centre            
  Bohdan Hawrylyshyn            
  Information and knowledge as a tool in facing global challenges            
  Michael Zgurovsky            
  Interdisciplinary Scientific Data for Sustainable Development Global Simulation            
1215-1230 Conference Photo            
1230-1330 Lunch Students catering Centre          
1330-1515 KEY SESSION 1                      
  Room 101, building #7

A1: CRISs for European e-Infrastructure - Structure and Use of a CRIS: The Common European Research Information Format Model (CERIF)   Chairs: Anne Gams Steine Asserson and Keith Jeffery
Conference Hall, Culture Centre

A2: GAID Session I: UN GAID e-SDDC, CODATA, IAP Joint Action: A Decentralized Network of Networks of Scientific Data for Millennium Development Goals, Chairs: Liu Chuang and Paul Uhlir
Academic Council Hall

A3: Information Society Session I   Chair: Mikhail Zgurovsky and Sara Graves
Administrative Council Hall

A4: Astronomical Data and the Virtual Observatory I   Chairs: Ray Norris and Tatyana Sergeeva
Room 102, building #7

A5: Global Climate Change And The Data To Inform The Challenge     Chairs: Bonnie Carroll and Gladys Cotter 
Room 103, building #7

A6: Beyond Interatomic Potentials: Video Contents, Shuhei Ohnishi
  The CERIF Model as the core of a research organization, Keith Jeffery Showcase Application Network of Open Access to and Application of Scientific Data for Approaching Millennium Development Goals, Chuang LIU Development of Actions on Supports of Small Electronic Business in Regions Ukrainy, M.I. Bublyk, O.S.Bilyk  Virtual Astronomy and Computationally Enabled Science for the 21st Century, S. George Djorgovski Remote Sensing Data Informing the Global Change Challenge, Sara Graves              
  CERIF model and the requirements of a government organization, Geert Van Grootel New IAP Program on Digital Knowledge Resources and Infrastructure in Developing Countries, Paul F. Uhlir A systemic approach to formation of the information legislation, Alexander Baranov Preserving and Digitizing Astronomy's Heritage Observations   Elizabeth Griffin Integrating Heterogeneous Earth Observation data for Global Water Cycle Studies: a Case Study for GEOSS, Shibasaki Ryosuke               
  CRISs and Institutional Repositories, Keith Jeffery eGY-Africa: reducing the digital divide for science in Africa, Alem Mebrahtu, Charles Barton, Peter Fox Construction of information society in Ukraine as question of national safety, Olexandr Vlasyuk Russian Virtual Observatory: Russian and fSU resources to be integrated in the IVO  Olga Dluzhnevskaya Application of satellite remote sensing data in investigation and management of the heritage site, a case study in the Grand Canal of China, Biao Deng, Huadong Guo, Changlin Wang and Yueping Nie              
  CERIF: The Common European Research Information Format Model, Brigitte Jörg Evaluating the First Year of the eSDDC Young Scientists Forum (YSF) Experience: Challenges and Opportunities, Raed M. Sharif Globalization of an information field and information safety, Vladimir Gorbulin Stellarium/VirGO, an open source visual archive browser, Fabien Chéreau                
  CERIF Best Practise, Anne Gams Steine Asserson   Information society: the issues of intellectualization, V.I. Gritsenko The DFBS Spectroscopic Database and the Armenian Virtual Observatory, Areg M. Mickaelian                
  Classification and semantics in a CRIS, Geert Van Grootel and Vlaamse Overheid   Model of state control in conditions of information society, Ruban Igor                  
  The ESFRI Roadmap and its demands on e-Infrastructure, Keith Jeffery   Modern problems of information safety of the state, Valery Muntijan                  
  GRIDs Architecture, Keith Jeffery   Tendencies and problems of formation of the Ukrainian information right, Ihor Zhylyaiev                  
1515-1645 Culture Centre

Poster Session with coffee and tea
1515-1645 Administrative Council Hall, building #6

Special Session: Collaboration with ICSU, Chair: Robert Chen
1645-1815 PARALLEL 1                      
  Library, room 12

B1: CRISs for European e-Infrastructure - CRIS and the European e-Infrastructure, Enabling European research   Chairs: Anne Gams Steine Asserson and Keith Jeffery
Conference Hall, Culture Centre

B2: GAID - Session II: Roundtable Discussion on UN GAID e-SDDC and CODATA Cooperation on the Five Action Lines and Near-term Deliverable Products   Chairs: Liu Chuang and Paul Uhlir
Academic Council Hall

B3: Information Society Session II, Chair: Michael Zgurovsky and Igor Ruban
Administrative Council Hall, building #6

B4: Astronomical Data and the Virtual Observatory II   Chairs: Ray Norris and Tatyana Sergeeva
Library, room #11

B5: Social Aspects: Development of Data Communities and Scientific Capacity Building, Chairs: Lei Liu and Jack Smith
Science Park Hall

B6: Development of GRID Infrastructure, Chairs: Gennady Zinoviev and Shuhei Ohnishi
Room 101, building #7

B7: Geophysical Data Systems and Analysis, Chair: Sara Graves
Room 102, building #7

B8: Data and Information for Environmental Sustainability, Chairs: Chris Lenhardt and Guo Huadong
Room 103, building #7

B9: Biodiversity Data, Chair: Jack Hill
Library, room #10

B10: Interatomic Potential: Theory application and Challenge I, Chairs: Ying Chen and Rajeev Ahuja
Library, room #9

B11: Materials:     Corrosion and Modelling, Chairs: R.K.Dayal and Masayoshi Yamazaki
  e-Infrastructure strategy and the European Science Foundation, Thibaut Lery   Security Trends, Innovation and Strategy, Rob Clyde ESA Astronomical Archives in the VO Era, Christophe Arviset and Inaki Ortiz, Pedro Osuna, Jesus Salgago The Study on the Relation Between Production of Scientific Data and the Development of Scientists - A Sample of Beijing Genetic Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Danna Shen and Zhiqiang Hu Implementing the File Storage System in the Ukrainian Academic Grid Infrastructure, Salnikov A.O., Sliusar I.A., Sudakov O.O., Boyko Yu.V. and Kornelyuk O.I. Challenges in Solid Earth Data Assimilation, Alik Ismail-Zadeh With Open Access to Global Sustainability: What, Why and How, Falk Huettmann Internationalization and Localization to Chinese for the Species 2000 Project - ChinaNode, Qiao Hui Jie Interatomic potentials in simulation of reacting media:advantages and limitations, Eugene Yakub Corrosion Network Database of nonferrous metals, Dong Chaofang, Gao Jin, Li Xiaogang, Lu Lin, An Yinghui  
  e-Science and large facilities, Simon Lambert   The information-technological competence of civil servants as the tool of efficiency of the state control, Edward Afonin, Ilona Klimenko Application driven mediation middleware of the Russian Virtual Observatory for scientific problem solving over multiple heterogeneous distributed information resources, Dmitry KalinichenkoI, et al Building a Community of Data Scientists:An Explorative Analysis, Lei Liu, Hui Zhang, Jianhui Li, and Runqiang Wang Integrating Ukraine into European Grid Infrastructure, Zagorodny A.,  Zgurovsky M.,  Zinovjev G.,  Petrenko A.,  Martynov E. Affluence of data on Volcanism in the Gulf of Cadiz, Enrique Wulff-Barreiro Sustainable Development Information Sharing System of China, Shao Yubin  Fu Xiaofeng  Wang Lanying  Chinese Virtual Herbarium (CVH) and its future role for Chinese Biodiversity Research, Lisong Wang, Haining Qin and Keping Ma High pressure and High temperature properties of Solids from Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Rajeev Ahuja Prediction system for seawater corrosion of steel based on accumulating of corrosion data and analyzing of artificial neural network, DU Cuiwei,LI Xiaogang,Gao jin  
  e-Infrastructure for Scholarly Publications, Elly Dijk   The state strategic planning of development of information society: information and methodological ensuring, Andrie Semenchenko   Science for Society is to be done within the Society, Mihoko Otake (Young Scientist) The implementation of service monitoring system in scientific data grid, Weizhong Lv, Yuanchun Zhou*, Kaichao Wu, Baoping Yan Geoinformation technology of spatio-temporal data mining, Gitis, Valeri; Аlexander Derendyaev, Pavel Metrikov, Аlexei Shogin Information as an important issue in stable development, Vl. Iacovlev, I. Roşca  Scientific Data Infrastructure for Qinghai Lake Joint Research Center, Jian-hui Li, Yuan-chun zhou, Yu-fang Hou, Yuan-Sheng Hou, Zhi-yi Huang, Hai-ting Zhang Appropriate potentials for MD simulations of martensiti transformations in NiAl, Nikolaj Lazarev Prediction Model of Material Corrosion Rate in Soil Based on PCA and AGO-SVM, Fu Dongmei, Fu Zhenze, Liu Deyong, Li Xiaogang  
  e-infrastructure and Scientific Data Centres, Simon Lambert   Ukrainian way to Global Information Society, Volodymyr P. Semynozhenko VO Paris Data Center, Igor Chilingarian Collaborative data-exchange mechanisms: a trans-Atlantic example, Bell, Stuart; Mary Jo Deering, Mervi Heiskanen, Leslie Derr* Scheduling problems for cluster systems, Georgy Loutsky, Olga Rusanova, Alexey Shevelo Geoinformational borehole complexes for investigation and monitoring of near-surface technogenic mediums and oil-and-gas deposits, M.S. Bondarenko, А.J. Кеtov, V.V. Roganin Agricultural Advise with Integrated Scientific Information for a Sustainable Agriculture, Walter H. Mayer Biodiversity Evaluation Tools for Nepal: An Inset of Forest, Anjala Pyakurel (Young Scientist) Implementation beyond Interatomicpotential, Shuhei Ohnishi Design and Study of Shared System for Marine Corrosion Network Database of Materials, LI Xiaogang, Gao Jin  
      Use of intellectual information resources in education system, Olexandr Strizhak     Cluster systems with multicore architecture, Georgy Loutsky and Alexander Korochkin Mass data about marine geology, geochemistry and geoecology in the Institute of Geological Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, A.Y. Mitropolsky and S.P. Olshtynsky Towards the Development of an Environmental Information System - Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment Study on a Waste dumping site  in Kumasi, Ghana, Mensah, Moses and Frank Ayer   Application of MD in Industry, Kazuki Mizushima Nonlinear Simulation of Cracks for Sick-Dangerous Arch Dam with Mixed Finite Element Contact Method, Ren Hao, Li Tong-chun, Chen Hui-fang, Zhao Lan-hao  
      Abstract database “Ukrainica Scientific” and Ukrainian Abstract Journal “Djerelo” — background of the national abstracting system, Vyacheslav Petrov and Oleksiy Onishchenko, Andriy Kryuchin, Anatoliy Chekmaryov, Nataliya Minina     Academic segment of Ukrainian Grid infrastructure,  G. Zinovjev, E. Martynov and S. Svistunov       First Principles MD, Gong Xingao    
            Educational segment of Ukrainian Grid infrastructure, Petrenko A., Velichkevich  S., Alenin O.            
1815-1830 Coffee break                      
1830-1930 Prize Ceremony and Lecture, Chair: Krishan Lal Culture Centre          
1930 Concert. Cocktail Party Culture Centre          
7 OCT 2008 TUESDAY                      
0830-1000 PLENARY SESSION II, Chairs: Niv Ahituv and Akira Nagashima Culture Centre          
  Robert Jones            
  The EGEE infrastructure and its support for European scientific collaboration            
  Carole Goble            
  Curating Data? What About Curating Services and Workflows?            
1000-1015 Coffee Break Culture Centre          
1015-1200 KEY SESSION 2                      
  Administrative Council Hall, building #6

C1: Recent Developments in National and International Policies for Scientific Data I, Chairs: Paul Uhlir and Antoni Nowakowski
Conference Hall, Culture Centre

C2: Grid Technologies for Earth Observation (EO-GRID), Chairs: Liu Chuang and Jean-Jacques Royer
Room 101, building #7

C3: Data exchange and interoperability of heterogenious data resources for material research and education I, Chairs: Toshihiro Ashino and Laura Bartolo  
Room 102, building #7

C4: Biological Responses to Low Dose Radiation I, Chairs: D. Grodzinsky and Tetsuya Ono
Room 103, building #7

C5: Successes and Challenges in Developing and Accessing “Repositories” for Scientific Data, Chairs: Gladys Cotter and Bonnie Carroll
  The Digital Dimension: Toward a Strategic Plan for Scientific Data Preservation and Access in the US, Bonnie Carroll The Advance Technology Fusion for EO Application, Luigi Fusco Material Ontology: an Infrastructure for exchanging material information and knowledge, Ashino, Toshihiro and Nobuto Oka Consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe as a prototype of nuclear terrorism, D. Grodzinsky Using Standards and Protocols to Unify Searching Across Large and Small Specimen and Observational Data Resources, Eamonn O Tuama              
  Proposed Implementation Guidelines for the Data Sharing Principles of GEOSS: Report of GEOSS Task DA-06-01, Robert S. Chen and Paul Uhlir Dissemination and Exploitation of Grids in Earth Science (DEGREE), Monique Petididier Integration of NIMS Composite Materials Design Tool and AIST Thermo-physical Properties Database, Yibin Xu, Masayosi Yamazaki, Yuichiro Yamashita, Tetsuya Baba Epidemiological research on leukemia risks among “liquidators” of Chernobyl catastrophe consequences, N. Gudzenko Proving Global Access to World Science:  Overcoming Standards Challenges through Federated Search, Thomas Lahr and Brian Hitson              
  The Australian Data Commons, Anne Fitzgerald CEOS WGISS Advances in EO Grid, Kussul NSDL Materials Digital Library Pathway, Laura Bartolo Postnatal effects in children irradiated during their intra-uterunal  development, E. Stepanova Challenges in Making Data Available Through the World Data Center for Biodiversity and Ecology:  Metadata Constraints and Recommended Solution, Thomas Hermann, Thomas Lahr, Gladys Cotter, and John Hill (presenter)              
  Development and European Integration of Ukrainian Research and Academic Network (URAN) for Provision of High Speed Services to Science and Education,  Yuri Yakymenko, Volodymyr Timofeyev, Volodymyr Galagan and Mikhail Dombrougov Grid and Earth Science Education, Petcu Indian Materials Database (IMDB) for Scientists, Engineers and Industries, R.K. Dayal Do low doses of ionizing radiation affect the human brain? Konstantin Loganovsky Reconciling Heterogeneous Data Catalogs, Joseph Hourclé              
  The South African Scientific Data Policy:  ”Is there hope for improved data access?”, Daisy Selematsela Integration of Regional Satellite Monitoring Systems using OGC Standards, Evgeny Lupian and Serhiy Skakun Approaches in using MatML as a common language for materials data exchange, Tauno Ojala   Cloud Computing and its important impact on data centers, Hai-ting Zhang, Yuan-chun Zhou, Kai-chao Wu and Bao-ping Yan              
    Grid Infrastructure for Data Fusion, Ladislav Hluchy and Andrii Shelestov MatSeek – An Ontology-based Federated Search Interface for materials Scientists, K. Cheung, J. Hunter (presenter) and J. Drennan                  
      Necessity of Data-Infra for New Applications - Revising the Thermophysical Property Handbook, Akira Nagashima, Nobuyuki Araki, Tetsuya Baba                  
1200-1300 Lunch Student Catering Centre          
1300-1430 PARALLEL 2                      
  Room 12, Library

D1: Recent Developments in National and International Policies for Scientific Data II, Chairs: Paul Uhlir and Subhash Kuvelker
Science Park Hall

D2: WDC 1: "Emerging Technologies and Opportunities for Global Data Management and Exchange"  Chair: J.B. Minster
Room 101, building #7

D3: Data exchange and interoperability of heterogenious data resources for material research and education II, Chairs: Toshihiro Ashino and Laura Bartolo
Room 102, building #7

D4: Biological Responses to Low Dose Radiation II, Chairs: Tetsuya Ono and D. Grodzinsky
Room 103, building #7

D5: Astronomical Data and the Virtual Observatory III   Chairs: Ray Norris and Tatyana Sergeeva
Room 12, Library

D6: Social and Technologocal Issues in Scientific Data Management: Awareness, Facilitation and Access, Chairs: Raed Sharif and Todd E. Marshall
Room 11, Library

D7: Climate Monitoring and Assessment of Climate Change, Chair: John Broome 
  Conference Hall, Culture Centre

D9: Regional Sustainability, Chair: Falk Huettmann
Room 9, Library

D10: Public Health, Chairs: Mihoko Otake and Antoni Nowakowski
  eIFL Open Access: Building Links between Regional, Disciplinary, and Interdisciplinary initiatives, Iryna Kuchma Potential Role of the World Data Centers in the Global Earth Observing System of Systems and the International Polar Year: CIESIN Experience to Date, Robert S. Chen, Robert R. Downs, Gregory Yetman, and Susana Adamo Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) development including structural materials and components testing in the frame of the EURATOM activity in MSR Steering Committee of GIF, Hron, Miloslav; Oldrich Matal, Pavel Hosnedl Alteration of genome structure induced by very low dose-rate irradiation in mouse tissues, T. Ono Virtual Observatory Science Capabilities  Paulo Padovani Learning from open source: scientific data access, management and sharing through cyberinfrastructure-supported virtual collaboration, Qing Li Aerological data heterogeneity problems in different approaches to climate variability evaluations, Arseni Timofeev and Alexander. Sterin   Geoinformation Atlas of Ukraine Region Sustainable Development, Boris Busygin, Alexander Kachanov, Ludmila Sarycheva The Study of Subject Data Bases for infectious disease of Scientific Data Sharing in China, Jing Guo, Lihua Liu, Shuigao Jin    
  Access to scientific data: Copyright is much of the problem, but changing copyright is not the solution, Dov Greenbaum (Young Scientist) Data Portal of WDC System 2.0 - initial situation and first steps, Michael Diepenbroek Exploration of Management mechanism of materials science data sharing in China, Lihong Xing Regulation of p21WAF1 gene promoter in response to clinically relevant doses of radiation, M. Nenoi Fits-Serv: A SOA Infrastructure for Massive Astronomical Data Archiving and Retrieval, Jianjun Yu, Kai Nan, Lei Liu How and why the “Behavioral Acceptance Framework” is useful to understand the digital divides in the science world, Todd Marshal Empirical Research of Climate Change Based on Quantile Regression, Arsenii Timofeev and Alexander. Sterin   The assessment model of environmental sustainability for Black Sea region, Michael Zgurovsky, Gennadiy Statyukha, Irina Dzhygyrey Effects of methylphenidate in children with attention deficit, Xuan Dong    
  Roundtable Discussion of Data Policies: Issues for CODATA's Consideration, Moderator: Paul Uhlir An Attempt of Virtual Data Center for Geosciences in Japan, Toshihiko Iyemori, Mamoru Ishii, Takeshi Murata and Tatsuki Ogino Materials Database at IMR CAS and applications to alloy design and materials process modelling, Yang Rui Effects of low dose radiation on plant disease resistance and fungal pathogen virulence, Alex Dmitriev, Nikolai Guscha and Alla Dyachenko Using of the Ukrainian Network of Internet Telescopes (UNIT) for astronomical education, Vasyl’ Ivchenko and Valery Kleshchonok, Vasyl’ Danylevsky, Yaroslav Romanyuk The role of young scientists in maximizing the value of scientific data in the information age, Raed Sharif Empirical research of tropopause characteristics: current data requirements and data problems, Lidia Badashova and Alexander Sterin   Key developmental risks in Africa and their impact on sustainability, V. Bakhtina Research and Implementation of China Public Health Metadata Registry System, Wang Jun    
    The Role of World Data Centers in the Virtual Observatory Paradigm, Eric A. Kihn, Mikhail Zhizhin & Robert Weigel Materials Science Data Sharing Project in China, Changjun Hu, & Xiaoming Zhang, & Xuanhui Qu, & Chongchong Zhao   Wide-Field Plate Database (WFPDB) new development and analysis, Tsvetkov, Milcho; Katya Tsvetkova, Damyan Kalaglarsky, Konstantin Stavrev and Ana Borisova Facilitating discovery of and access to scientific data through developing metadata and training scientific data managers, Jian Qin The progress of Central and Eastern Asian permafrost mapping, Xin Li     US Approaches to Expanded Uses of Health Data: Policy Issues and a Case Study, Mary Jo Deering    
    Towards the establishment of the World Data Centre in Africa for Biodiversity and Human Health: Is South Africa ready for the challenge, Daisy Selematsela and Henda van den Berg A Data Sharing System for Service Safety Evaluation Based on Materials Experiment Data, Peng Shi, Changjun Hu, Qingmei Wang       Approaches to the Development of Marine Observation Networks Monitoring System, Alexandr Kobelev, Vladimir Luchkov   Global Health Enterprise Architecture, Jan B.M. Goossenaerts, Adesina Iluyemi, Kaushalesh Lal    
    Recent Advances in Data Stewardship at the WDC for Atmospheric Trace Gases: Responding to the Evolving Demands of Science and Technology, Thomas A. Boden, W. Christopher Lenhardt Implementation of XML Database and TTP Analysis for Creep-Rupture Data
of Heat Resisting Alloys, Fujihara
            The cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIGTM) and NCRI Informatics Platform: An interoperable Grid of Grids between the United States and United Kingdom, Wilkinson, J. Max & George A. Komatsoulis    
    Ukranian Science Data: Mutual Goals and Approaches, Vitaliy Starostenko, Yaroslav Yatskiv, Vadym Lyalko, Vitaiy Ivanov, Kostiantyn Yefremov Group Mobility Makes Ad Hoc Networks Having Small-World Characteristics, Yan Chen and Jian-ping An                  
1430-1445 Coffee Break Student Catering Centre, Café "Alma Mater"          
1445-1615 PARALLEL 3                      
  Administrative Council Hall, building #6

E1: Data Management and Applications, Chair:  Shibasaki Ryosuke
Science Park Hall

E2: WDC II: "Emerging Technologies and Opportunities for Global Data Management and Exchange"  Chair: J.B. Minster
Room 101, building #7

E3: Materials Data Sharing and Utilization, Chairs: Toshihiro Ashino and Laura Bartolo
Room 102, building #7

E4: Issues in Long-Term Data and Knowledge Management, Chair: Joe Hourcle
Room 103, building #7

E5: Astronomical Data and the Virtual Observatory IV   Chairs: Ray Norris and Tatyana Sergeeva
Room 12, Library

E6: GRID Operations and Applications, Chairs: Anatoly Petrenko and Shuhei Ohnishi
Room 11, Library

E7: Environmental Data and Policy, Chair: Gordon Wood
Room 10, Library

E8: e-Science Collaboration, Chairs: Evgey Martunov and Shuhei Ohnishi
Room 9, Library

E9: Data for Decision Making, Chair: Michel Sabourin
Conference Hall, Culture Centre

E10: Biomedical Data Sharing and Informatics, Chairs: Takashi Kunisawa and Jean Garnier
  Tools and Technologies in Knowledge Management, L. Kanimozhi Development of artificial intelligence technique for system prevision of complex anthropogenic and natural systems' behavior, Michael Zgurovsky and Alexei Gvishiani Virtual Informational Space: New Tool for Material Science Research and Students' Training, Sidorenko S.I., Voloshko S.M., Kholmska G.D  Data Stewardship at the Earth Sciences Sector, John Broome Vision of digital Golosiiv Plate Archive creation as an element of Ukrainian Virtual Observatory, Aleksandr Sergeev and Tatyana Sergeeva The tasks scheduling method in high-efficiency systems using GRID-technologies, Anna Besedina Research on State Environmental Data Center Construction, Shun Li NARCIS as the Dutch Academic Information Domain, Elly Dijk, Chris Baars, Arjan Hogenaar & Marga van Meel The forecast of Beijing floating population socio-spatial differentiation, Chen Rui, Wang Jian, Wang Li, Deng Yu  Toward the integration of cancer research data for sharing, Shuigao Jin    
  Unlocking Patent Value by Removing Linguistic Barriers, Barrou Diallo, Jan B.M. Goossenaerts and Jaap v.d Meer China WDCs’ Data Sharing Mechanism Analysis and its Main Progress, SUN Jiulin and WANG Juanle Bring Materials Science Data into Semantic Web for Semantic Query, Xiaoming Zhang, & Changjun Hu, & Chongchong Zhao  Maintaining Long Term Stability of Scientific Data Archives, Thomas C. Stein From Astronomical Databases to Virtual Observatory, Alexander Mazhaev and Yuri Protsyuk Use of GRID for modelling of statistically significant conformational ensembles of human tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase interdomain linker, Olexandr Sudakov, Feodor Tereshchenko, and Alexandr Kornelyuk The Weather, Geologic and Geophysical Environment as a Factor in Transportation Information System, YANG Li, Le PENG, Fenglin PENG Necessity and Feasibility of Cooperative Knowledge Generation Base  for Research and Education  in General and Fundamental Physics, V.V. Ezhela Information supply of environmental safety of projected objects in a sustainable development context, Gennadiy Statyukha, Tatyana Bojko, Alla Ischishina A Study on the Update of Bioinformatics Content, Bu Young Ahn    
  Innovative Marketing as Fact of Economic Growth,  Nadiia Kubyshyna Open data networks stimulate the new geodynamic models of sedimentary basins of the Earth, A.G.Rodnikov, N.A.Sergeyeva, L.P.Zabarinskaya Describing the Whole Lifetime of Materials Using Logic Data Model, WANG Qingmei; Changjun  Hu &  Peng Shi CISTI's activities in support of scientific data management in Canada, Mary Zborowski Interoperability of the Heliophysics Virtual Observatory Data Location and Retrieval System, James Thieman Grid portal development for Ukrainian Grid infrastructure, G.D. Kyselov, V.A. Matuschchenko, and R.V. Chepurnoy A Web-based Method for Centralized Management and Remote Sharing of Crop Germplasm Resources Data, Peng TANG, Wei FANG, Yongsheng CAO Interoperability and InterOperation of GRID-infrastructures. D. Karpenko CO2 assessment of biomass solid fuel agglomerated from chaff and container plastic, Furuyama, Takashi and Hitoshi Ohya, Gjergj Dodbiba Control of Biosystem Characteristics by Means of Information Technologies, V.U.  Gorchakov,  O.V. Dugan,  L.B. Oriabinskay., S.A.  Starovoytova, Teplinskaya E.V  Barthel Jorg    
  Project cost minimization target subject to creative nature of activities, Olena Grysha and Nguen Thieu Information resources of the World Data Centers for solid Earth physics and for Solar-terrestrial physics, Sergeyeva N., Kharin E., Zabarinskaya L. and  Krylova T. A Visual Tool for Building MatML Data from Material Science Relational Database, Changjun Hu, & Huayu Li, & Chongchong Zhao Creating a Trustworthy Digital Repository for a Long-Term Archive of Interdisciplinary Data: A Case Study, Robert Downs and Robert Chen* The Multi Wavelength Investigation of the RC Catalog Radio Sources Sample with VO Tools, Olga Zhelenkova and Alexander Kopylov Ukrainian sites in ALIEN@GRID computing project, A. Alkin The Ecological Monitoring Informational System Theoretical Model, Khachidze, Manana and Natela Bajelidze VLAB: An Integrative Collaboration Framework for e-Science, Kai Nan, Kejun Dong, Jianjun Xie, Deting Yang, Jianjun Yu The analytical framework of China's urban development about convergence and divergence, Wang Jian and Chen Rui Proposal to Establish the International Biomedical Data Sharing Platform, Ling Yin    
  Online Ticket Reservation and Payment System from Mobile Phones: Implementation Challenges for M Commerce, Safaet Hossain World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development: state of the art, Alexei Gvishiani, Michael Zgurovsky, Vitaliy Starostenko, Kostiantyn Yefremov, Alexei Pasichny, Natalia Sergeyeva Non-structured Materials Science Data Sharing Based on Semantic Annotation, Changjun Hu, & Chunping Ouyang, & Xiaoming Zhang, & Chongchong Zhao Peer reviewed data publication (= providing data for future reuse), Sünje Dallmeier-Tiessen and Hans Pfeiffenberger (Young Scientist) VO access to legacy surveys at VO Paris Data Centre, Pierre LeSidaner, presented by Igor Chilingarian  The Planning and Design of NSTL’s Combined Data Processing System, Zhang Jianyong; Guobin Huang & Meng Liansheng Information systems of thematic adaptation of geodata in tasks of environmental monitoring and natural resources on regional level, S.O.Dovgiy, G.Ya.Krasovskiy, O.M.Trofymchuk Sharing Circulation Information of Data for Reliability Evaluation,  Akihiro KAMEDA, Ikki OHMUKAI, Hideaki TAKEDA & Shuichi IWATA Urban Geology Survey Information System of Nanjing City, HOU Tao, FAN Xiang-tao and Tian Yi-ping Normative Models to Manage Collective Research Resources - From Commons to Contracts: the Case of Human Populational Databases, Sabrina Fortin, Sangster Award Recipient    
  Implementing Some Basic Operation of OLAP in Excel, Tang Hewen (Young Scientist) Newest Information on Territory and Society of Ukraine in National Atlas of Ukraine (structure and usage possibilities) , Leonid Rudenko and Viktor Chabanyuk Travelling Salesman Problem and Chemical Data, Alexandre Blansche Policies and Norms for Collaborative Production and Dissemination of Scientific Datasets: A Survey, Tyng-Ruey Chuang   Method of building a modular monitoring system, Valerii Simonenko, Oleg Kovalenko Devolution Plan 2000 and Gross Root EnvironmentCommunity Participation: A Case study of District , Abbottabad Pakistan, Ahmad, Muhammad Shakil and Iqtidar Ali Shah A Framework for Managing Access of Large-Scale Distributed Resources in Collaborative Platform, Su Chen, Tiejian Luo, Wei Liu, Jinliang Song, Feng Gao Use of a Fuzzy Measure of Similarity in Decision-Making Systems, Gela Besiashvili Model of Intellectual Assessment of Environment quality in Close spaces, Jaliabova, N. and M. Khachidze    
  A Database of Recoded Natural Conversations, Maria Husin, Ji Ming, & F. J. Smith Methodology of scenario development based on Ukrainian Branch of the   WDC interdisciplinary data, Kate Pereverza, Kostiantyn Yefremov, Alexei  Pasichny, Alexei Leonov       Web-Portal For Management Of Jobs In Grid-Infrastructure For Scientific And Educational Institutions Of Ukraine, Pavlovskyi V.F., Sliusar I.A., Sudakov O.O., Boyko Yu.V.   Implementing the File Storage System in the Ukranian Academic Grid Infrastructure. Salnikov A.O., Sliusar I.A, Sudakov O.O, Boyko Yu. V., Kornelyuk. O.I Detaming and Grid: Extracting Value from Historical Data in Financial Services Organizations. L.A. Korshevnyuk      
                The Protection of Unoriginal Databases and Data-Intensive Scientific Research, Sebastian Krujatz (Young Scientist)        
1615-1630 Coffee break Student Catering Centre,
Café "Alma Mater"
1630-1800 PARALLEL 4                      
  Room 12, Library

F1: Intelligent Process and Design I, Chairs: Yuri Gorokhovich and Josef Korbicz
Science Park Hall

F2: International Geoscience Data Initiatives and Programs, Chair: Mark Parsons and Charles Burton
Room 101, building #7

F3: Nanotechnology Perceptions Symposium   Chairs: Paata Kervalishvili, Jeremy Ramsden, and Sergiy Sidorenko
Room 102, building #7

F4: Natural Disasters and Risk, Chair: Bob Chen
Room 103, building #7

F5: Data Accessibility and Workflow, Chair: Carole Goble
Administrative Council Hall, building #6

F6: Distributed Storage and Virtualization, Chair: Peter Fox
  Room 10, Library

F8: Data Mining and Extraction, Chairs: Marcelle Gaune-Escard and William Anderson
  Room 11, Library

F10: Biological and Genetics Data, Chair: Leslie Derr and Jean Garnier
  Design as Bridging Process of Data/Model Primitives and Virtual Products, Yuriko Hoteida, Takeshi Takenaka, Kanji Ueda and Shuichi Iwata OneGeology Progress Report, John Broome The effect of magnetic disorder on the spin-polarized transport properties of magnetic semiconductors, V.Mikelashvili and P.Kervalishvili Decision support systems in case of natural disasters, Evgeny Vyazilov Mercury-Distributed Metadata Management, Data Discovery and Access System: Illustrating the Ongoing Relevance of Structured Metadata Systems in the Era of Web 2.0, W. Christopher Lenhardt and Giri Palanisamy The Analysis of Efficiency of Remote Data Storage Access Protocols in Distributed Systems, Kulakov Yu.A. and Alenin O.I., Rokovoy A.P., Kulakov A.Yu.   Effective discrete optimization algorithms for data mining techniques, I.V. Sergienko, V.P. Shylo    Gene-Order Data and Phylogeny: Identification of Gene Arrangements Characteristic of Actinobacteria, Takashi Kunisawa    
  On Conceptual Modeling of Memorize Process, Vlalimer Chavchanidze and Karina Kvinikhidze eGY in China: From IT to Geophysical Informatics and its outreach, Fenglin Peng, Zhongliang Wu, Jian Guo, Jian Zhang, Xiaofei Chen, Rixiang Zhu, Shui Wang, Guangding Liu VILEMAN: Black Sea Universities Network International Project “Virtual International Laboratory in Electron Microscopy for Advanced Nanomaterials”, S. Sidorenko, S. Voloshko, and I. Kotenko Report from CODATA RMA Symposium 2008: Risk Models and Applications, Horst Kremers Applications of Scientific Workflow Technology in Processing Atmospheric Scientific Data, Lin Xiaoguang, Zhou Yuanchun, Li Jianhui The  international data mirror services in China and some imoritant technologies, Qinghui Lin   Statistical Views from Deep Archives to Support Data Discovery: Learning from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Archive Experience, Raymond A. McCord, W. Christopher Lenhardt, Giri Palanisamy   Properties of tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases fragments, I. Bozhko, A. Gryshyna    
  Decision making on basis of value function experience-based elicitation, Nadiia S. Gnatenko Activity of World Data Center for Ionosphere, Mamoru Ishii Molecular Nanotechnology in Some Practical Examples, Paata J. Kervalishvili  Statistics and Analysis of Human Factor Events in WANO Reports, Zhang Li , Zhao Ming , Dai Licao Construction of Global Natural Gas Hydrate Database Portal: Chinese Portal Node, Weihua Wang, Ralf Löwner, Jianhui Li & D. Sloan System of automatic exchange and data storage in Ukrainian Network of Internet Telescopes (UNIT), Valery Kleshchonok, Igor Luk’yanyk, Volodymyr Reshetnyk, Yaroslav Romanyuk   Similarity Computation for Large Scale Scientific Data Selection, Jiangfeng Chen and Jianjun Yu   Particularities of production exopolysaccharides by Hight Basidiomycetes Lignotrophic mushrooms in Submerged Cultures, I.Klechak, V.Linovytska, S.Garmash, O.Maluk    
  Estimation of scenarios of innovation projects using fuzzy experts’ judgments, Nadiia S. Gnatenko Virtual Observatory for World Data Centers, Dmitry Kokovin, Dmitry Mishin, Mikhail Zhizhin, Eric Kihn, Bob Weigel Manufacturing and Processing of Nanopowders and Nanostructured materials, A.G. Mamalis, J.J. Ramsden, P.J. Kervalishvili Emergency-Driven Virtual Organization of Integrating and Scheduling Information and Services for Emergency Service, Yang Feng, Ruzhi Xu, Pieguang, Lin, Kangkang Zhang A Scientific Workflow Approach to Distributed Scientific Data Processing, Zhou Yuanchun* and Xiaoguang Lin, Weizhong Lv, Gang Huang, Kaichao Wu, Jianhui Li (Young Scientist) CMDBMS: Database Clustering and Management Middleware, M.J.Hoseinpour, M.H.Sadreddini, A.M.Rahmani   Data mining for public opinion monitoring without direct polls, L.A. Korshevnyuk   “Image into Action” as Main Principle for Human Brain Neural Networks Organization, Valery  Shyrochin,  Vadym  Mukhin    
  Multi-criteria decision making with incomplete expert information using AHP method, Nadezhda I. Nedashkovskaya The GEOMIND, a new geophysical multilingual internet driven information service, established by 9 European countries, supported by the EC eContentplus programme, Greg DETZKY, Laszló VÉRTESY,  Laszló SŐRÉS & GEOMIND Consortium Electroerosion dispersion-prepared nano- and submicrometre-sized aluminum and alumina powders, M.K. Monastyrev, T.A. Prikhna, A.G. Mamalis, W. Gawalek, P.M. Talanchuk, R.V. Shekera   The Beijing Olympic Central Area Person Flow Control Based on Multi-Agent System Models and Dynamic Game Theory Analysis, Wang Jian and Chen Rui (Young Scientist) Data Depositories Virtualization in the HPC Center, O.I. Alenin, A.A. Voevoda, S,V, Velichkevych   The application of data mining technology in optical data , Tao Ren, Mingyang Yu, Xin Zhang  & Xiaojie Cong   Codes of DNA Primary Sequences and the Similarity Comparison, Zhang Bao Hua    
  Artificial Intelligence: Problems and Prospective, Paata Kervalishvili, Badri Meparishvili  and Gulnara Janelidze   Alexander S. Lagutin     Optical Data Storage and Sharing, Tao Ren, Mingyang Yu, Xin Zhang, Xiaojie Cong       New cage compounds as potential Influenza A inhibitors: synthesis and docking/QSAR study, Gaydai, Alexander V. and Igor A. Levandovskiy, Ken G. Byler and Tatyana E. Shubina (Young Scientist)    
            A hierarchical data replication method in scientific data grid, Weizhong Lv (presented by Zhou Yuanchun)            
1800 Transfer to the hotel              
1900-2100 Banquet,
Fortetsya Getman Restaurant
2100 Transfer to the hotel              
8 OCT 2008 WEDNESDAY                    
830-1030 KEY SESSION 3                      
  Conference Hall, Culture Centre

G1: Structuring Data, Information and Knowledge for Sustainable Science and Innovation, Chair: Yarime Masaru
  Room 101, building #7

G3: International Polar Year (IPY), Chairs: Taco de Bruin and Alex Sterin
Administrative Council Hall

G4: Young Scientist Roundtable, Chairs: Raed Sharif and Alexis Pasichny
Room 103, building #7

G5: Physical Science: Data Quality and Databases, Chairs: Brian McMahon and Fedor Kuznetsov
  Structure of knowledge in sustainability science and structuring data and knowledge for sustainability, Yuya Kajikawa   The International Polar Year Data and Information Service, Mark Parsons   On the quality assurance of scientific numerical measured data, Ezhela, V.V.              
  Ontology-based Semantic Searching and Matching of Expert Knowledge in Sustainability Science, Steven Kraines, Weisen Guo, Brian Kemper, & Yutaka Nakamura   Designing a Virtual Observatory to serve data from the SCAR Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) to the community. Taco de Bruin   The progress of research on science data quality in China, Hu Lianglin              
  Change of eco-innovation in energy consuming products industries in Japan, Ryuzo Furukawa and Hiroaki Sasa, Hideki Ishida   ICSU World Data Centers Support to the IPY Data Activities, J-Bernard Minster and D.M. Clark   Data Evaluation in Physics and Chemistry, H.S. Suh              
  Global Information Commons for Science Initiative and Its Implications for Sustainability Science, YARIME Masaru   National IPY data management system, Marsel Shaimardanov, Alexader Sterin, Nickolay Mikhailov, Alexander Kuznetsov, Eugeny Vyazilov   Technique for Increase of Sensitivity of Quantitative Analysis of Very Weak Spectral Lines Based on the Method of Maximum Likelihood, Svitlana Galchenko, Pavlo Korotkov & Yevgen Kirilenko              
          Networking & development of databases on properties of substances & materials in different subject fields of science, engineering & technology & some issues of economic efficiency resulted from the use of evaluated nuclear-physics data, T.V. Golashvili              
          Advances in nuclear data science activities in India, Srinivasan Ganesan              
          A New Unit System to Define All Physical Constants As Well As The SI Units by Dimensionless Numerical Values, Dong Bong Yang, Gun Woong Bahang and Sang Zee Lee              
1030-1100 Coffee break                      
1100-1230 PARALLEL 5                                   
  Administrative Council Hall

H1: Roundtable Report on Activities on CODATA Task Group on Preservation of and Access to Scientific Data Chairs: LIU Chuang, Bill Anderson
Room 12, Library

H2: Intelligent Process and Design II, Chairs: Shuichi Iwata and Josef Korbicz
Room 11, Library

H3: Semantic Analysis and Processing, Chair: Michel Sabourin
  Conference Hall, Culture Centre

H5:  e-Science and Education I, Chair: Mary Zborowski 
Room 10, Library

H6: Data Integrity and Security, Chair: Thomas Stein
Room 9, Library

H7: Earth Observation Data and Applications, Chairs: Guo Huadong and James Thieman
  Room 103, building #7

H9: Algorithm and Data Processing Innovation I, Chair: Horst Kremers
Science Park Hall

H10: Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Chair: Takashi Gojobori
    New knowledge about a project due to the expert determination of activities novelty factor, Olena Grysha, Do Nguan An Automatic Construction Model of Semantic Knowledge Base, Changjun Hu, & Yu Weng, & Peng Shi    Concept of Web-space for e-Learning, V. Valuisky High-efficiency Implementation of Modular Exponentiation of Large Word Length Numbers in Data Protection Systems, Samofalov K.G., Markovskyi O.P., Zuza O.A.  Application of Satellite Remote Sensing Data in an Investigation of Qilhai Wetland, Tianjin, Xianbin Liu, Jiaxing Li, Xiumei Li, & Long Yi, Guangyu Zhang, Xin Li, & Tianyu Mao   The similarity relationship in design problems of discrete systems, Oleg Buzovsky and Ivan Yurin Engineering aspects of biotechnology, Karachun V.V., Povodzinskiy V.N., Shybetskiy V.J.    
    Model of Intellectual Assessment of Environment quality in Close spaces, Jaliabova, N. and M. Khachidze Resolving Ambiguous Semantic in the Malay Texts, Shaidah Jusoh and Hejab Ma’azer Al Fawareh   Application of ICT for Promoting Public Understanding of Science, Runqiang Wang, Yun Xiao, Yu Chen, Hongbo He, Wen Li The Models reflecting reaction of the fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems to faults appearance, Romankevych Oleksiy, Grol Volodymyr, Romankevych Vitaliy, Potapova Kateryna Satellite Data in Climate Change Studies: Catalogues. Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent Change Estimates, Badashova, Lidia and Anna Khokhlova   Implementation of linear algebra algorithms in the FPGA-based rational fraction arithmetic processor, Anatoliy Sergiyenko and Oleg Maslennikow Development of new designs of the equipment for a farmaceutical industry, Karachun V.V., Ruzhinskaja L.I., Kostyk S.I.    
    Fuzzy set estimates in joint implementation projects efficiency, Vladislav Kucher The Object Models of Problem Areas for Textual Data Semantic Processing, Volodymyr Pustovarov, Alexander Kuznetsov, Sergey Stirenko   Users in the GRID Computing Environment. B. Bulakh The Approach to Increase of Efficiency of Identification Subscribers of the Multiuser Systems, Saleh Ebrahim Alomar.,Akram Aref Nayef Mustafa., Markovskyy O.P.  Study on demarcation standards of flooded area and analysis of Encephalitis B transmission trend on remote sensing flood surveillance, Guo-wei Yu, Jun Liu   Real time autoregressive analysis processors, Valeriy Simonenko, Volodymir Lepekha, Anatoliy Sergiyenko The estimation of the possibility of designing the new preparations-coinductors of the interferon on the basis of the exogenous metabolites of Lactic Acid Bacteria, Zholner L.G., Solovyov S. O., Trokhimenko O. P.    
    Information technology for nonverbal communication of deaf people and people with damaged hearing, Y.Kryvonos, Y.Krak, A.Barmak, A.Ternov, B.Trotsenko Unification of semantic analysis technology of the scientific and technical information, Volodymyr Pustovarov, Sergey Stirenko, Alexander Kuznetsov   Management of didactic resources for system of remote education, Oleg Buzovsky and Anna Shaban Date Security of Information and Communication Systems, Tao Ren, Mingyang Yu, Xin Zhang and Xiaojie Cong A Web application designed for Earth Environment Observation Data and its Semantic Web, Ken Murata   A Pervasive Computing based Smart Home System with Key Word Spotting and Topic Detection, Jin Di Development of the composition of the polystrain probiotic on basis of the bacteria of genus Lactobacillus, S. Starovoitova and L. Oryabynskaya    
    A CGS-PGA based on Multi-Agent and Its application, Tinghong Zhao SeMIS: A Semantic-based Metadata Integration System for Scientific Data, Wei Wu, Jian-hui Li, Yu-fang Hou, Ying Zhou   Resource planning for providing of educational process, Oleg Buzovsky and Slobodyanuk Oleg Anti-phishing Approach by Multifactor Mutual Authentication Model, Antonio San Martino and Xavier Perramon Design and Development of an Interactive Remotely Sensed Imagery Interpretation System for Forest Inventory , Dengkui Mo, Hui Lin, Jiang Zhang, Jiping Li, Hua Sun, Zhuo Zang, Yujiu Xiong   Access to The Object Relation Model Over Web-Services, Andrey Boldak, Oleksii Abu Usbakh, and Maxim Nevdashchenko Obtaining of new monoclonal antibodies against human IgG and their use for in vitro diagnostics, O.Yu.Galkin    
    Value Engineering of Business Excellence (VEBE), Akhoondi The integration of library, network, and telecom: Data and its semantic expansion, Dasheng Wang and Lei Liu   Informative providing of modern education, Anatolij Getman, Stanislav Ivanov, Vladimir Karasiuk The Approach for increasing of  Data Transmission Control Reliability in Asynchronous Channels, Markovskyi O.P., Pooya Soleimany Nezhadian., Turchenko Y.O.     Introduction into the Fibonacci cryptography, Dychka Ivan Andrijovych and Novosad Mykhailo Valerijovych Design of Bioinformatics Integrated Retrieval System, BuYoungAhn    
    Predicting electoral results using web visibility: Italy 2008, Alessando Bonazzi, Paolo Brunori, Riccardo Govoni, Giulio Lampronti and Matteo Zandi     State of the art in ICT Applications for nanomaterials and Technologies of nanomaterials Education. Sidorenko S.I., Voloshko S.M., Kholmska G.D       Quantum informatics: new physical approach to data processing, Helen Gomonay and Andrei Fesenko      
1230-1430 Poster Session and Lunch            
1300-1430 CODATA Members Meeting Administrative Council Hall, building #6          
1430-1600 PARALLEL 6                      
    Room 12, Library

I2: Status Report on National and Regional Activities, Chair: Krishan Lal
Room 11, Library

I3: Data Visualization Approaches, Chair: Jean-Jacques Royer
Room 10, Library

I4: CODATA Task and Working Groups, Chair: Gordon Wood
Conference Hall, Culture Centre

I5: e-Science and Education II, Chairs: Mary Zborowski and Daisy Selematsela
  Room 102, building #7

I7: Geosciences and Spatial Data Management, Chairs: Sara Graves and Alik Ismail-Zadeh
  Room 103, building #7

I9: Algorithm and Data Processing Innovation II, Chairs: Alexander Sterin and William Anderson
Room 101, building #7

I10: Agricultural Informatics, Chair: Lulu Makhubela
    Scientific Databases in Poland, Antoni Nowakowski 3D Multliplatform Data Visualization, Kharchenko K.V. and Kornachevskyy Y.I Activities of Materials Task Group Analysis of Work Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Higher Education Faculty in Pakistan, Khuram shafi    Managing multi-user geodatabases for geoscience data: a South African experience, Daniel Sebake   A Simple Method of Classification with VCL Components, Hewen Tang, Wei Fang and Yongsheng Cao (Young Scientist) Study on Chinese Domestic Animal Genetic Resources Information System based on GIS, Ben-hai Xiong, Qing-yao Luo and Chao-dong Yang    
    National System of Standard Reference Data in Korea, Jookeun Park Beijing Olympic Park 3D Simulation System for Internet, HOU Tao Activities of IPY Task Group Teaching writing letters in English using multimedia means, Dychka N.   Challenges in Creating a Spatially Enabled Open Access Archive   The hardware reconfigurable blocks development as a way of task-level clusters structure forming, George Loutsky, Alexander Dolgolenko and Sergei Aks’onenko Scientific Data Integration and Sharing Service of Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine in China, Qing-yao LUO, Ben-hai Xiong and Zhi-hong Pang    
    Overview of ICT-based Science Communication in Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yun Xiao, Wen Li, Yu Chen, Runqiang Wang Use of web-services in ESIMO integration technology, Kristina Belova Activities of DSAO Task Group The playing educational-training system for training and certification of personnel, Grisha B.S., Lidzheev S.A.   Integrated Geoinformation Environment for Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining, Arskyi, Yuryi; Valeri Gitis, Alexei Shogin   About the Method of Building of Dynamic Reconfigurable Digital Integrating Systems, Valeriy Zhabin, Nikolay Kovalyov  Computer system for modeling and analysis of plant tissue growth and development, Viktoriya V. Lavreha, Aleksei V. Penenko, Sergei V. Nikolaev, and Nikolai A. Kolchanov (Young Scientist)    
    Broadcast Service Architecture for Internet Based TV, Multimedia System, Safaet Hossain Improving F-Score of the Imbalance Visualized Pattern Dataset for Yield Prediction Robustness, Megat Norulazmi Megat Mohd Noor and Shaidah Jusoh Activities of Task Group on Data Sources for Sustainable Development The Perspectives of Usage WEB 2.0 Technologies in e-Learning Data Services Design, Andrey Boldak, Oleksii Abu Usbakh, and Ludmila Ivanets   Some Methods of the Raster Encoding in Geographic Information Systems, Blinova, Tat’yana and Victor Porev   Wavelet Transform in NMR Spectrum Processing, Weihua Wang, Luqing Yu and Jinong Dong Development of GIS-based Chinese Crop Germplasm Resources Information System (CGRIS), Wei FANG, Peng TANG, Yongsheng CAO    
    Analyze of Georgian Information - Communication Market Development, George Kervalishvili Interactive visualization of data as a feature of online crystallography journal articles, Brian McMahon Activities of Preservation and Archiving of Scientific Data in Developing Countries Establishing Partnership of Human Co-operation within Structures of Learning Activities, Zdzislaw Polkowski   Share of Spatial Data and Spatial Models Using UDDI, LIU Shuo, LIANG Jun , WEN Qing-ke, QIAO Yan-you, Chen Song-wei   Using CST Microwave Studio for microstrip modelling, Bogdan Berezianskyi and Elena Kuprina Research on the Architecture and Key technologies of the Agricultural Science Data Sharing and Service System, Zhao Ruixue    
      Basic Research of IGRF 10 Model on Web Visualiation, Dan Wang, Xiaoyang Shen, Fenglin Peng, Xiaoru Yuan, Keyun Tang, Lijun Xing, Le Peng   Epistemic and methodological bases of forming Universities of research type, Sergey Porev   Design and Realization of State Environmental Monitoring Spatial Data Infrastructure, Shen Wenming   On the Use of Genetic Programming for classification, Alexandre Blansche Data Sharing Practice in Agricultural Science Domain, Meng Xianxue Li sijing  Zhou Guomin     
          Management of didactic resources for system of remote education. Oleg Buzovsky, Anna Shaban       The Modelling of Optimization Methods of Object’s Priorities Searching in the Multicritical Decision Making Problem Using Pairwise Comparison Matrixes. A.A Pavlov, O.S Shtankevych, M.I. Loginov The Research of intelligent positioning and transparent access technology on distributed database, Meng Xianxue  Zhou Guomin     
1600-1700 Closing Plenary              
1700 Closing Ceremony              
1800 Cultural Events