CODATA, in collaboration with GEO,
takes the lead on GEOSS Task DA-06-01:
Furthering the practical application of the
agreed GEOSS data sharing principles
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30 November 2007
GEO Ministerial Meeting
Cape Town, South Africa

27-30 November 2007
Global Earth Observation (GEO) Summit
Cape Town, South Africa

12-13 September 2007
Architecture & Data Committee Meeting
Washington DC, USA

14-15 May 2007 (TBC)
Architecture & Data Committee Meeting
Tokyo, Japan

7-9 May 2007
World Data Center Conference
Bremen, Germany

19-20 March 2007
US National Committee for CODATA meeting
Washington DC, USA

19 March 2007
Briefing to The Alliance for Earth Observations
Washington DC, USA

28 February - 1 March 2007
Architecture & Data Committee Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland

22 October 2006
Expert Group meeting:
Furthering the Practical Application of the Agreed GEOSS Data Sharing Principles
Beijing Resources Hotel , China
A Satellite Meeting of the 20th International CODATA Conference