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International Council for Science : Committee on Data for Science and Technology
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Conference on Progress in Computing of Physicochemical Properties - 18-20 November 1999

This conference on "Progress in Computing of Physicochemical Properties" took place in Warsaw, Poland (18-20) November 1999 at the initiative of Professor A. Bylicki Chairman of the Program Committee and Polish National CODATA Delegate.

The Conference was organised by the Polish Academy Working Group on Physical Chemistry and it was sponsored by CODATA. It was attended by 103 scientists from 11 countries whose contributions to the discussions bore on such interesting and vital issues as:

Computing and Information Theories

Theoretical Chemistry and Special Properties of Compounds and Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Solutions

Thermoydynamic Properties
Physical Properties of Metal Systems
In an introductory plenary session, three main lectures highlighted this meeting. Professor J-E Dubois (CODATA) expounded his views on the development of science after the preceding fifty years of progress in instrumentation theories, computing and communication. Professor Z.S. Hippe analysed and evaluated the developments of Artificial Intelligence, data mining and knowledge extraction with today's information tools; Professor P. Oracz, in his presentation of "Data Progress in Thermodynamics", underlined the role of critical evaluation of data in this field and data's important role in industrial applications.

This meeting stressed the necessity for developing shared processes associating theoretical data modelling with experimental results, both from the beginning and throughout most research projects. Interactive predictions, with the assistance of databases, are becoming an essential part of all search strategies.

Eight books in the series "Vaporliquid Equilibra" edited by the Thermodynamic Data Center (TDC) and the Institute of Physical Chemistry of Warsaw (Polish Academy of Sciences), were presented and on sale during this important Conference.

In all, 63 lectures and talks, 38 posters and several computer system demonstrations took place during this highly successful Conference. It was judged so positive and fruitful that follow up meetings are being considered.

Further information is available from Dr; Adam Skrzecz, the main Conference organiser.


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