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Industrial data
can vary widely, going from property rights and patents to
complex information analyses for extracting certain knowledge.
They can be private or more or less public, resulting from
various local, regional, national, European, international
strategies, for example. Access to technical data exists within
a frame work of networks for which norms and standardization
exist on various levels: data, software, informatics languages
and, more recently, that of dynamic graphic data. The nodes
of these networks are centered on patents, certain documentary
files, and they reflect problems of classification and indexing
resulting from a number of agreements on technical standardization
shaped, in turn, by various historical and geographical influences.
The information revolution of the WEB favors the coexistence
of direct networks from/to user with the classical structured
networks and, above all, shortens the working time of information
chains. In these conditions, the present situation is that
of inquiry on all levels, local and global. In this Session
we hope to bring out the problems and to evaluate the strategic
evolution of a near future, already knocking at the door.
is a sampling of suggestions for some desirable research axes
at the present stage.