International Council for Science : Committee on Data for Science and Technology Professor Arthur D Pelton, Montreal, Awarded the 2002 CODATA Prize
Professor Pelton is widely acknowledged as an innovative leader in the field of computational thermodynamics, as applied to metallurgical and chemical systems of interest in industrial and academic research. He and his group have led the development of the widely used and acclaimed FACT system (Facility for the Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics), comprising evaluated databases of the thermodynamic properties for thousands of substances and solutions together with sophisticated software that uses these data to calculate chemical equilibria information. Today this system provides the most versatile tool currently available for thermodynamic analysis of industrial processes and materials design. Professor Pelton has been associated with the École Polytechnic de Montreal since 1973 and today is the Co-Director of the Center for Research in Computational Thermodynamics. He has already received international recognition through a number of awards including the CALPHAD Gibbs Triangle Award, the EPD Extraction and Processing Science Award and the Falconbridge Innovation Award. Pelton has over 200 publications and was a prime contributor to the ASM International/National Institute of Standards and Technology Alloy Phase Diagram Program. CODATA, the ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology, is an international scientific organization concerned with the collection, management, manipulation, access to and exploitation of quantitative data in science and technology. For over 30 years, CODATA has been at the center of international, multi-lateral, multi-disciplinary cooperation for data activities. Through its task groups, conferences and publications, CODATA enriches the scientific world with the latest advances in data and data technology. The CODATA Secretariat is located in Paris, France, and serves a world-wide network of over 20 national committees and 14 scientific union members, as well as many supporting organizations. ___________________________________________
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