International Council for Science : Committee on Data for Science and Technology CODATA Announces the Appointment of Professor Paul A. David to its Executive Committee
As Executive Committee Member, Paul will take the lead, on behalf of CODATA, to develop the Global Information Commons for Science Initiative (GICSI), Europe . As many of our readers are aware, GICSI was launched by CODATA, in collaboration with other international scientific organizations at the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society, WSIS which took place in Tunis in November 2005. The idea of the Initiative was conceived at an international workshop held in UNESCO, Paris, in September 2005, co-organized by Paul David and Paul Uhlir. See http://www.codata.org/archives/2005/UNESCOmtg/index.html. A series of follow up meetings on the Initiative took place in 2006- most notably in Dublin , Brussels , Washington and Beijing . Paul David participated in many of these follow up meetings and he was the lead organizer of the meeting in Brussels . This meeting brought together many people from the European Commission, representatives of leading Academic European institutions and organizations to focus, within a European perspective, on the issues that GICSI is striving to address. Given his understanding of GICSI, his academic reputation of the issues within the European Research Area, indeed his understanding of the European Research Area itself and based on his previous collaboration with CODATA, the 52 nd Executive Committee saw Paul David as an obvious choice to take the lead on the development of GICSI within Europe . CODATA is very pleased that he has accepted this challenging role. He will be supported by a small working group, yet to be appointed, who will work with him on the development of the GICSI, EU activities. Welcome on board Paul!
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