CODATA 2002: Frontiers of
Scientific and Technical Data

Montréal, Canada — 29 September - 3 October

Behavioral and Social Science Data

Table of Contents

Keynote Speakers

Invited Cross-Cutting Themes


Physical Science Data

Biological Science Data

Earth and Environmental Data

Medical and Health Data

Behavioral and Social Science Data

Informatics and Technology

Data Science

Data Policy

Technical Demonstrations

Large Data Projects

Poster Sessions

Public Lectures

Program at a Glance

Detailed Program

List of Participants
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Conference Sponsors

About the CODATA 2002 Conference


Track I-C-4: Government as a Driver in Database Development in the Behavioral Sciences
Track I-D-6: Database Innovation in the Behavioral Sciences and the Debate Over What Should Be Stored


Track I-C-4:
Government as a Driver in Database Development in the Behavioral Sciences

Chair: David Johnson, Building Engineering and Science Talent, USA

1. Sharing data collection and sharing collected data: The NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development
Sarah L. Friedman, The NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development, USA

[abstract] [paper]


2. Data Sharing at NIH and NIA
Miriam F. Kelty, National Institute on Aging, Office of Extramural Activities, USA
[abstract] [paper]


3. Data Archiving for Animal Cognition Research: The NIMH Experience
Howard S. Kurtzman, Cognitive Science Program, National Institute of Mental Health, USA
[abstract] [paper]


4. Data Sharing and the Social and Behavioral Sciences at the National Science Foundation
Philip Rubin, Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, USA
[abstract] [paper]


Track I-D-6:
Database Innovation in the Behavioral Sciences and the Debate Over What Should Be Stored
Session organizer: US National Committee for the International Union of Psychological Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., USA

Chair: Merry Bullock, American Psychological Association

1. Acquisition Criteria at the Murray Research Center: A Center for the Study of Lives
Jacquelyn B. James, Murray Research Center

[abstract] [slides (pdf)] [paper (pdf)]


2. What Functional Neuroimaging Data is 'Worth' Sharing and the Scope of Large-Scale Study Data Archiving
John Darrell Van Horn, The fMRI Data Center, Dartmouth College, USA
[abstract] [slides (pdf)]

3. Accession and Sharing of Geographic Information
Michael F. Goodchild, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
[abstract] [slides (pdf)]

Last site update: 15 March 2003