International Council for Science : Committee on Data for Science and Technology

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Linked Open Data for Global Disaster Risk Research (LODGD)
Approved by the CODATA 28th General Assembly,Taipei, 2012
In-depth analysis of the current state of disaster scientific data management and acquisition patterns indicates a great need for interconnection of dispersed scientific data related to disaster risk assessment and mitigation. Today, large amounts of disaster related scientific data exist, such as data from monitoring equipment, base maps, evaluation, progress, socio-economic statistics, and so on. They are typically dispersed geographically and owned by various government agencies, research centres, groups and, sometimes, individuals around the world. Task group of LODGD will study the mechanism for connecting such data to enable easier and faster discovery and access, and significantly reduce the barriers that researchers are facing today due to limited interconnection of various disaster-related data. The task group will research on a unified data query and retrieval method by attributes of disaster events in response to research need for data and information related to past disaster events. As live demonstration, the LODGD will push forward to setup a regional or global metadata discovery infrastructure of disaster related scientific data for a selected set of important past disaster events.
LODGD TG has a team with following 10 members. Three co-chairs are nominated to be considered by CODATA : Guoqing Li (CEODE), Michael Rast (ESA), and IRDR-DATA (Angelika Wirtz and Susan CUTTER).
Name |
Institute |
Experience and Background |
Guoqing Li (Co-Chair) |
Centre for Earth
Observation and Digital
Earth, China |
Extensive knowledge and experience with remote sensing, spatial data infrastructure and disaster data management. Long time service in international organizations, such as CEOS, GEOSS, APN and ICSU. |
Shuichi Iwata |
University of Tokyo, Japan |
Extensive knowledge and experience with scientific data policy and CODATA affair. Former president of CODATA and a member of the CODATA disaster data working group. |
Chuang Liu |
Institute of Geography and Natural Resources, China |
Extensive knowledge and experience on geographic and data science. Long time service in international organizations, including UNGAID, CODATA and CEOS. The winner of the CODATA prize. Former member of the CODATA disaster data working group. |
Dr. Jan Eichner (Co-Chair) |
Geo Risks Research, Munich Re, Germany |
Extensive knowledge and experience in global disaster risk research and dataset management. Serving as Co-Chair of the IRDR DATA Working Group. |
Jiahua Pan |
Institute for Urban & Environmental Studies , CASS, China |
Extensive knowledge and experience on world economy and environmental and natural resource economics research. Long time services on IPCC and UNDP, etc |
Pakorn Apaphant |
GISTDA Thailand |
Extensive knowledge and experience with remote sensing and disaster information analysis. Former chair of CEOS/WGISS, and leader of ASEN disaster network project. |
Michael Rast (Co-Chair) |
European Space Agency (ESA/ESRIN)
| Extensive knowledge and experience with data sharing and leader of a number of EU activities to support Supersite. |
Jan-Ming Ho |
Division of Planning and Evaluation, National Science Council of Taipei |
Extensive knowledge and experience on digital library and archive technologies. Representative of IRDR IOC in Taipei of city disaster research. |
Carol Song |
Rosen Centre for Advance Computing, Purdue University, US |
Extensive knowledge and experience with cyber infrastructure technology and information systems. Chair of XSEDE Service Provider Forum (NSF), and leading several data centric research projects (drought information network, climate change impact on agriculture, GEOSHARE, etc). |
Susan L. Cutter (Co-Chair) |
Hazard & Vulnerability Research Institute, University of South Carolina, SC 29208, USA |
Serving as Co-Chair of the IRDR DATA Working Group. |
Expected Output
White Paper
A whitepaper will be released at the end of this stage. It will provide an assessment of the current state of integrative utilization of distributed disaster datasets,
technical and policy requirements for such use, challenges and potential implementations. Workshops will be organized to gather community input, define the
scope of work and encourage community involvement.
- Demonstration of Metadata level Disaster Data Infrastructure
The demonstration application and web resource will be developed and delivered during the second stage. Study cases in some regions or countries with
high disaster influence or potential will be selected and used in the demonstration.
- International Cooperation on Disaster Metadata Clearinghouse
Advertise the disaster metadata clearinghouse concept and encourage the involved agencies and organizations around the world to embrace this concept to
strengthen the international cooperation on disaster data management and data sharing.