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Earth and Space Science Data Interoperability
Approved by the CODATA 26th General Assembly, Kyiv, 2008
Renewal approved by the CODATA 27th General Assembly, Cape Town 2010
Renewal approved by the CODATA 28th General Assembly, Taipei 2012
The objectives of the task group (TG) are to promote extended and improved free access to Earth science data and metadata exchange and integration worldwide. The TG will provide usage of modern and open data access standards and help to develop efficient way to achieve inter-operability including consolidation of links between CODATA and ICSU WDS. The TG will promote intellectual services for improving quality of vast volumes of Earth science data. Concrete applications of this approach promoted by the TG are further development of multi-disciplinary intelligent geographical information system (GIS) for the Globe, publication of World atlas of Earth’s magnetic field for 1500-2010, extension of Russian network of geomagnetic observatories and improvement of a geomagnetic data center for the CIS countries.
Expected consequences
- Further development and data filling of multi-disciplinary and encyclopedic intelligent GIS for the Globe in the framework of promotion of establishment and usage of modern and open data access standards, metadata exchange and inter-operability
- Contribution to preparation and publication of World Atlas of Earth’s Magnetic Field for 1500-2010 in hardcopy form thus promoting exchange of geomagnetic data worldwide
- Facilitating extension of Russian network of high quality geomagnetic observations with a focus on auroral zone
- Participation in improving geomagnetic data center for the CIS countries including its transition into INTERMAGNET Geomagnetic Information Node (GIN) and integration of intellectual services for geomagnetic data quality control and processing
Recent projects carried out with the participation of the Task Group
Partnership Conference "Geophysical observatories, multifunctional GIS and data mining" on 30 September - 3 October 2013 in Kaluga, Russia (http://kaluga2013.gcras.ru/)
- The Atlas of the Earth's Magnetic Field, published in English in 2013 (electronic version)
- Web-portal of the "Intellectual GIS on Geoscience Data for the Territory of Russia and Neighboring States" (http://gis.gcras.ru/)
- Award for the Best Poster received at the 23rd International CODATA Conference on 28-31 October 2012 in Taipei (Taiwan)
Deliverables to be completed by the 2014 General Assembly
- Articles in the CODATA Data Science Journal or other refereed Journals
- A. Gvishiani, A. Soloviev, M. Nose, A. Chulliat, E. Kihn and C.W. Turbitt, Integrating international experience in operation of geomagnetic data center of the CIS magnetic observatory network
- R. Krasnoperov, S. McLean and J. Zlotnicki, GIS applications in managing and processing geomagnetic and other Earth science data
- R. Krasnoperov, A. Lebedev, O. Pyatygina, A. Shibaeva, Intellectual GIS for processing and representation of remote sensing data
- Books and Monographs
- World Atlas of Earth’s Magnetic Field for 1500-2010 in hardcopy form
- A. Gvishiani, A. Kryazhimskiy. Artificial Intelligence Approach in Earth Data Interpretation
- Books and Monographs
- Beta on-line access to multi-disciplinary and encyclopedic intelligent GIS for the Globe
- Beta on-line access to intellectual services for geomagnetic activity evaluation and data quality control
- Other Products or Accomplishments
- Elaborated plan on deploying two new Russian magnetic observatories satisfying INTERMAGNET standards
- Elaborated plan on integrating intellectual services for geomagnetic data quality control and processing in operation of CIS geomagnetic data center
Organization and schedule of Task Group activities
Organization of four TG working meetings in 2012-2013 are planned:
- Paris, France (at IPGP in March 2012)
- Boulder, Colorado, USA (at NOAA in October 2012)
- Moscow, Russia (at GC RAS in January 2013)
- Mérida Yucatán, Mexico (on the occasion of the XIIth IAGA Scientific Assembly on 26-31 August, 2013)
Deliverables expected to be completed by the 2012 General Assembly
- Beriozko, A., A. Lebedev, A. Soloviev, R. Krasnoperov, and A. Rybkina (2011), Geoinformation system with algorithmic shell as a new tool for Earth sciences, Russ. J. Earth. Sci., 12, ES1001, doi:10.2205/2011ES000501
- Berezko, A. E., A. V. Khokhlov, A. A. Soloviev, A. D. Gvishiani, E. A. Zhalkovsky, and M. Mandea (2011), Atlas of Earth's magnetic field, Russ. J. Earth. Sci., 12, ES2001, doi:10.2205/2011ES000505
- A. Soloviev, Artificial intelligence in the Earth’s magnetic field study and INTERMAGNET Russian Segment, ICSU CODATA Newsletter, 100, 2011, p. 4 (new)
- Soloviev, S. Bogoutdinov, A. Gvishiani, R. Kulchinskiy, A. Chulliat and J. Zlotnicki, Mathematical tools for geomagnetic data monitoring and INTERMAGNET Russian segment, CODATA Data Science Journal (new)
- World Atlas of Earth’s Magnetic Field for 1500-2010 in electronic form
- Elaborated plan on creation of multi-disciplinary intelligent GIS for the Globe including list of contributors, system structure, data and algorithms involved
- Agreements between consortium partners on creation of intelligent GIS for the Globe
- Service regulations of CIS geomagnetic data center
Summary of activities since the 2010 General Assembly
- Facilitating extension of multi-disciplinary and encyclopedic intelligent GIS on CIS countries for thewhole Globe in the framework of promotion of establishment and usage of modern and open data access standards, metadata exchange and inter-operability;
- Contribution to electronic publication of World Atlas of Earth’s Magnetic Field for 1500-2010 thus promoting exchange of geomagnetic data worldwide;
- Participation in deployment of a new geomagnetic center for the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries with modern tools for data collecting, processing and exchange;
- Organization of International Workshop “Artificial Intelligence in the Earth’s Magnetic Field Study. INTERMAGNET Russian Segment”, which will be held on 26-28 January 2011 in Uglich, Yaroslavl region, Russia. The workshop put together leading scientists and specialists in geomagnetism and magnetic observations from all over the world to share their knowledge and experience in application of modern geomagnetic instruments and installation of new magnetic observatories. Special attention was paid to deployment of a new geomagnetic center in Moscow, Russia;
- Publication of a paper by A. Soloviev, Artificial intelligence in the Earth’s magnetic field study and INTERMAGNET Russian Segment, ICSU CODATA Newsletter, 100, 2011, p. 4;
- Organization of four TG working meetings in 2010-2011: Cape Town, Republic of South Africa (on the occasion of CODATA General Assembly in 2010), Obninsk, Russia (at WDCs in 2010), Uglich, Russia (on the occasion of International Workshop “Artificial Intelligence in the Earth’s Magnetic Field Study. INTERMAGNET Russian Segment” in January 2011), and Melbourne, Australia (in the framework of IUGG XXV General Assembly);
- Submission of a paper by A. Soloviev, S. Bogoutdinov, A. Gvishiani, R. Kulchinskiy, A. Chulliatand J. Zlotnicki, Mathematical tools for geomagnetic data monitoring and INTERMAGNET Russian segment, CODATA Data Science Journal (December 2011).