International Council for Science : Committee on Data for Science and Technology

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Exchangeable Materials Data Representation to support Scientific Research and Education
Approved by the CODATA 25th General Assembly, Beijing 2006
Renewal approved by the CODATA 26th General Assembly, Kyiv 2008
Renewal approved by the CODATA 27th General Assembly, Cape Town 2010
Renewal approved by the CODATA 28th General Assembly, Taipei 2012
Why is a Materials Task Group needed at this time? To address vital issues in today’s global environment:
- The onset of a new and rapidly evolving era of materials design research, where today product designers look to develop a material for a particular application rather than use an existing material, e.g.,
- Traditional materials, such as metals, ceramics, and polymers;
- Biomaterials , such as the fabrication of materials and composites to imitate human skin, muscles, bones, and neurons;
- Nanoscience , such as the design and control of self-assembled, functional nanostructures.
- The rise of government funded, large-scale materials programs across the international materials community to enable progress across a broad range of scientific disciplines and technological areas with dramatic impacts on society.
- In Asia
- In Europe
- In India
- In US,
- In Australia,
- The collaboration and international cooperation for sharing expertise in materials research and education – especially among developed and developing countries –to advance scientific knowledge, to train the next generation of materials scientists, as well as to increase the numbers of highly skilled technical workers and materials professionals.
- The need for materials community to catch up with other scientific communities that are advancing their fields through modern informatics, such as the use of distributed systems of hardware, software, information bases, and expert systems as well as the exponential growth in computing power, communication bandwidth, and data storage capacity.
- Collect and make public documents providing open standards used in or of potential use for materials data collections and repositories leading to the development of a registry.
- Promote open standardization and mapping of vocabulary to describe materials data.
- Contribute to general formats for data exchange and retrieval of materials data.
- Develop a case study with Task Group members demonstrating Objectives 1 through 3. The Task Group will investigate the integration of nanomaterials data exchange into undergraduate and graduate education by developing examples or potential candidates of using material databases in undergraduate and graduate education. Recent government studies have indicated that undergraduate students who participate in hands-on research are more likely to pursue advanced degrees and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields.
Past Activities
- 1st Task Group Workshop have been held on March 4-5, 2008 at NPL New Dehli, India. A meeting report has been published as a article in Data Science Journal, Volume 7, 20 October 2008, p. 115-124
- Developed RSS extension for materials data and Materials Ontology (specs are here) supported by NEDO.
- 2nd Task Group Workshop had been held on October 3, 2008 at KPI Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Organized a session for Exchangeable Materials Data Representation in 2008, 2010, and 2012 (Sessions A5 & E5 http://www.codata.org/Taipei/official-program.html)
CODATA International Conference.
- Task Group Activity Report in 2008 CODATA International Conference
Future Activities
- Bring the materials community together to exchange background information;
- Hold discussions toward building consensus on materials data collections;
- Take advantage of new access systems within the context of proprietary information.
- Hold a task group meeting prior to the CODATA meeting
Members and Collaborators
(Co-Chair) Prof. Jane Hunter, Queensland University, jane@itee.uq.edu.au
Prof. Changjun Hu, University of Science and Technology Beijing, huchangjun@ies.ustb.edu.cn
Prof. Xiaoming Zhang, University of Science and Technology Beijing, zxm1975@gmail.com
Prof. Chaofang Dong, University of Science and Technology Beijing, chingchf@sina.com
Prof. Dongmei Fu, University of Science and Technology Beijing, fdm2003@163.com
Dr. Xiaoyan Song, University of Science and Technology Beijing xysong@bjut.edu.cn
Dr. Hans-Helmut Over, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, hans-helmut.over@jrc.nl
Prof. Marcelle GAUNE-ESCARD, Ecole Polytechnique, mge@polytech.univ-mrs.fr
Dr. Tauro Ojara, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, mge@polytech.univ-mrs.fr
Dr. Miloslav Hron, NRI Rez plc, hro@ujv.cz
Dr. Axel P.MUSTAD, Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS axel@nqcg.com
Dr. Krishan Lal, National Physics Laboratory, klal@mail.nplindia.ernet.in
Dr. S. Rajeswari, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, raj@igcar.gov.in
Prof. Toshihiro Ashino, TOYO University, ashino@vaudesir.itakura.toyo.ac.jp
Prof. Yoshio Monma, Kochi University of Technology, ashino@vaudesir.itakura.toyo.ac.jp
Dr. Yibin Xu. National Institute of Materials Science, Japan, XU.Yibin@nims.go.jp
Dr. Masayoshi Yamazaki, National Institute of Materials Science, Japan, MAMAZAKI.Masayoshi@nims.go.jp
Dr. Ho-Suhng Suh, Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science, hssuh@kriss.re.kr
Dr. Seung-Hoon Nahm, Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science, shnahm@kriss.re.kr
Dr. Young-Mok Rhyim, Korean Institute of Materials Science, mrhyim@kims.re.kr
Dr. Fedor Kuznetsov, Russian Academy of Sciences, fk@che.nsk.ru
Victor A Dudarev, Russian Academy of Sciences vic@imet.ac.ru
(Co-Chair) Prof. Laura Bartolo, Kent State University, lbartolo@kent.edu
Dr. Donald Burgess, NIST, donald.burgess@nist.gov
Dr. Lan Li, National Institute of Standards & Technology, lan.li@nist.gov
Prof. M. Grant Norton, Washington State University, mg_norton@wsu.edu
Prof. Krishna Rajan, Iowa State University, krajan@iastate.edu
Dr. John Rumble, Information International Associates, jrumble@iiaweb.com
Prof. David Yaron, Carnegie Mellon University, yaron@cmu.edu