International Council for Science : Committee on Data for Science and Technology

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CODATA's WSIS Road to Tunis
(Phase II)
“CODATA would like to acknowledge the financial support it received both from UNESCO and the United States State Department towards our WSIS activities in 2005. Without this support we could not have carried out the work we did.”
Professor Iwata, President of CODATA, Addresses Plenary Session at WSIS
The presentation given by the President of CODATA was at the Eighth Plenary Session of the Summit on the 18th of November.
View him giving his speech here - requires RealPlayer (free download here):
[chinese] [english] [french] [russian] [spanish] [original]
CODATA Sessions: Access to Scientific Data and Information: Benefit to Society
Tunis 14th November 2005
Part of the Past, Present and Future of Research in the Information Society, an official side event preceding Phase II of the WSIS
Global Information Commons for Science Initiative
It is proposed to explore the nature and scope, and the feasibility of launching a dedicated initiative furthering the creation of the Global Information Commons for Science. ( read more )
Global Information Commons for Science Prospectus
General Flyer: Creating the Global Information Commons for Science
Science In The Information Society: An Inventory
Provides a snapshot of scientific civil society organizations, data and information centers and archives, programs and projects, events, and publications that address and promote the role of science in the information society and work toward the implementation of the WSIS Plan of Action. ( read more )
An International Workshop
Creating the Information Commons for e-Science:
Toward Institutional Policies and Guidelines for Action
This event is an important element of ongoing efforts to achieve the broader goals of The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS - ). In particular, this workshop aims to promote development of institutional policies and guidelines for action in support of the “information commons” for e-science.
CODATA, Special Session in Berlin November 2004
CODATA convened a Special Session
on the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which was attended by over 90
people. This Session took place on 10 November 2004, within the framework of the 19th
International CODATA Conference. (
Science in the Information Society: The Scientific Community and the WSIS Plan of Action
Draft Agenda for "WSIS, Tunis 2005: Scientific Contribution, French Perspectives," Académie des Sciences, 12 April 2005
Background Document : Overview of CODATA Activities Related to WSIS, April 2005
Report on the WSIS Session at the 19th International CODATA Conference [pdf], Berlin, Germany, 10 November, 2004
- Background Information
- Open Access for All: A Required Step Towards a Society of Shared Knowledge [pdf in English] [pdf in French]
Keynote presentation by H.E Adama SAMASSEKOU, President of the African Academy of Languages, President of the WSIS PrepCom of the Geneva Phase, Former Minister of Education of Mali
- UNESCO and the WSIS Process [pdf presentation]
Presented by Axel Plathe, Senior Programme Specialist, UNESCO, Information Society Division
- Strengthening International Science for the Benefit of Society [pdf presentation]
Presented by Carthage Smith, Deputy Executive Director, ICSU
- Cherishing the Memory of Science: Towards International Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding [pdf paper]
Peter Schröder, Co-ordinator for Information Policy, The Ministry of Education and Science, The Netherlands
Plannning launch of the WSIS-online Scientific Stocktaking Exercise: the community platform of the world summit on the information society
Tunis Event
Phase I. Geneva
In the News
Science and ICTs for decision making and governance (from Parliament Magazine, November 2003)
Access to scientific knowledge: developing appropriate policies (from Parliament Magazine, December 2003)
Science and the Information Society (Science Magazine Editorial, Vol. 301, p. 1443, 12 September 2003)
Cover story in the CODATA Newsletter 85
Scientific Organizations endorse the ICSU, CODATA, UNESCO Agenda for Action, in preparation for WSIS in December
CODATA's collaboration with ICSU and UNESCO Workshop on Science in the Information Society
International Symposium on Public Domain and Open Access in Digital Data and Information for Science