International Council for Science : Committee on Data for Science and Technology CODATA TASK GROUPS 1999 Biological Macromolecules
JOINT GROUPS TERMS OF REFERENCE: The increasing focus on bioinformatics stimulated by the large-scale genome sequencing projects makes the role of the Task Group in the near future even more critical. A major thrust of this effort concerns the assurance of interoperability among a rapidly diverging set of existing and newly emerging biotechnology databases. The Task Group recognizes that the major problem in this respect is to assure semantic (the meaning of the data) consistency among the information shared by the databases. This can be done most effectively by fostering collaboration among databases aimed at the development of shared, standardized nomenclatures. Specifically, the Task Group will:
Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Members Consulting Members Corresponding Members Executive Committee Liaison Member Fundamental
Constants The CODATA Task Group on Fundamental Constants periodically provides the scientific and technological communities with a self-consistent set of internationally recommended values of the basic constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry based on all of the relevant data available at a given point in time. In calendar year 1999, the Task Group will complete the production of a new set of constants based on information compiled over the past few years. These constants will be designated as either the 1998 or 1999 CODATA recommended set. OUTPUT: The output in 1999 is expected to be the publication of the new set of CODATA recommended values of the fundamental constants together with a comprehensive review of experiment, theory, and methodology relevant to their determination. Chairman Members Executive Committee Liaison TERMS OF REFERENCE: Engineered materials comprise much of the global technological infrastructure. The rapid evolution of computing over the past few decades has transformed the processing, design, and application of materials from a "make it and break it" mode to an abstract mathematical approach whereby investigations are conducted in a virtual laboratory designed for modeling and simulation of these physical phenomena. This transformation has spawned a whole new generation of materials researchers who have a solid foundation of the fundamental physics of materials and for whom the computer is their primary apparatus. The Task Group promotes the free and open global exchange of materials data, algorithms, and other digital resources in support of computerized materials science and engineering. Expected new activities include a website to provide forum for international collaboration and links to materials databases, and to materials database managers. The Task Group plans a workshop in 2000 to define and establish a web-based digital library for the distribution of data, algorithms, and applications in support of materials science and engineering. In 1999 the group will hold a planning meeting for workshop scheduled for 2000. Chairman Members Active Associates Corresponding Members Survey of Data Sources in Asian-Oceanic Countries TERMS OF REFERENCE: This Task Group, established as a Working Group in 1987 and upgraded to a Task Group in 1988, has produced a Directory of East Asian Data Sources and three Special Reports. The Proceedings of the last Task Group Meeting in Korea has been published on the Web (http://codata.kordic.re.kr/ proceeding/codata.html) . The Task Group seeks to be effective in promoting and enhancing the development of reliable databases in its region of concern by precept and example. The Task Group plans to organize several meetings for management standardization and quality control of data in Asia and Oceanic countries. Ouput of these meetings are planned to be published in print or on the Web. Chairman Vice-Chairmen Honorary Members Members Consulting Members Executive Committee Liaison
Global Plant Checklist Network TERMS OF REFERENCE:
Steps to be taken by the Task Group:
Chairman Secretary Members
Consulting Members Executive Committee Liaison
TERMS OF REFERENCE: To develop the means to distribute the products of CODATA sponsored programs to the scientific community via electronic means, and to develop CODATA use of the Internet to assist the work of Task Groups, Secretariat, and the Executive Committee. Work Plan Essentially this group will seek to enhance CODATA's presence on the Web and to help and advise member countries who wish to establish home pages. Output will include a report to CODATA that presents a plan and recommendations to be posted on the Web for information and comment. Initial Content
Chairman Members Executive Committee Liaison
TERMS OF REFERENCE: The Task Group will organize a new workshop on "Management of Data, Information, and Knowledge" in June 1999. Following the successful CODATA Study Workshop on "Information Visualization and Management of Heterogeneous Systems" in New Delhi, the Task Group will organize similar workshops in Ottawa, Canada in June 1999 and at the CODATA International Conference in Torino in 2000. This Task Group plans to write reports for the community (including a glossary of terms of these new technologies) and establish a Bulletin Board on the network or an active WWW Home Page. The Task Group will produce a publication based on the workshop on "Information Visualization: Where Are We and Where Do We Go from Here" which took place in Paris in June 1997. The Task Group will continue to analyze new technologies and their applications, and will systematically inform and assist CODATA Task Groups, Commissions, other ICSU bodies, and external bodies in the use of data and models appropriate to their projects. Chairman Secretary Members
Consultants Executive Committee Liaison Task Group on Comparative Mathematical Methodologies of Data Handling and Knowledge Extraction TERMS OF REFERENCE 1) Development of new data handling and knowledge extraction comparative mathematical methodologies based on modeling on one side and on pattern recognitions approach on the other; 2) Applications of developed mathematical techniques to comparative analysis of global data and knowledge bases in different disciplines. In particular, application of the mathematical methodologies to the problem of scaling in global data sets; 3) Development of Internet based online geodynamical, seismological, biological, satellite and linguistic databases as "sample test-sites" for application of artificial intelligence and mathematical modeling methods developed by the Task Group. Actual applications of these techniques to the databases. 4) Development of mathematical techniques to compress and characterize large data sets while maintaining the information content and to extracting specific knowledge/information required by a specific application. 5) Task Group Web site will be developed with links to the main CODATA Web-site and relative activities' Web sites. Chairman Vice-Chairman Members Consultants Exexutive Committee Liaison Task Group on Data Quality and Database Compatibility: Development of General CODATA Safeguards TERMS OF REFERENCE The objective of the Task Group is the development of interdisciplinary methodologies and general CODATA guidelines aimed at ensuring safeguards on data quality and database compatibility, to facilitate a reliable utilization of the ever-increasing power of accumulated data within individual disciplines and in trans-discipline data-intensive activities. In particlar, the Task Group will address the following problems of the Information Age: (i) The lack of uniformity in data quality is a problem that affects most fields, especially interdisciplinary fields (ii) There are problems common to all fields concerning inferences drawn from data taken from more than one data bank (iii) Obsolete data often persist in data banks: data no longer regarded as reliable or accurate enough are often stored along with high quality data (iv) In order to avoid degradation of existing and continuously updated data banks, standardized safeguards against data "pollution" are required (v) In order to improve the quality of existing and future data banks, a restructuring of databases might be beneficial, facilitating the application of novel computer methodologies and standardized techniques for "weeding out" unreliable and/or conflicting data Workshop activity planned: 1) A workshop on "Data quality and database compatibility: development of general CODATA safeguards" is planned in connection with the 1st International Workshop on Thermochemical, Thermodynamic And Transport Properties of Halogenated Hydrocarbons And Mixtures to be held in Pisa, Italy, 15-18 December 1999 - http://www.icqem.pi.cnr.it/thermodyn/workshop.html (2) An additional workshop on "Data quality and database compatibility: development of general CODATA safeguards II" is planned in connection with the ECCOMAS 2000 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 September 2000 - http://cimne.upc.es/cimne/congresos/eccomas.htm Chairman Members Consulting Members
Prof. Arthur Greenberg Executive Committee Liaison Outreach, Education and Communication TERMS OF REFERENCE: This Task Group plays a dual role both within and outside CODATA. It aims to provide a necessary service to the scientific and technical communities, with particular focus on developing nations. Within CODATA, this Task Group responds to the need for outreach work identified in CODATA's Long Range Strategy Plan. The Group considers all scientific disciplines represented by ICSU as well as new and emerging technologies as potential components of its work. In order to use data which are potentially, but not practically, available to them, scientists and technologists throughout the world would benefit by developing their information technology skills. The core material will be adapted to various disciplines. Other activities include training courses and the establishment of consulting offices. The training materials, the roster of available faculty members and lists of available resources in developing nations will also be made accessible, both in electronic and paper form. The Task Group works to facilitate establishment of an international distributed Registry of Scientists and Technologists (initial funding by ICSU). The databases making up the Registry are the responsibility of the local scientific and technological organizations developing their individual components of the Registry. The first components are the American Society for Microbiology database established January 1999 (see http://www.asmusa.org) and the Registry of the Foundation for Research and Development, South Africa. Chairman Members Executive Committee Liaison Working Group on Molten Salts TERMS OF REFERENCE The objectives of this group include development of criteria for evaluating molten salt data including estimation procedures based on research results, and eventually improvement of the accessibility of these data in an internally consistent database. Molten salts are high temperature liquids widely used in a number of industrial applications elaboration (electrodeposition of metals, synthesis of materials, etc.), energy (fuel cells, thermal storage, etc.), environment (waste processing, recycling, etc.). Important issues in the lighting industry (discharge lamps) as in the nuclear industry (fuel reprocessing) are to be stressed and they are most concerned with data on lanthanide and actinide salts. Also an emerging category of low melting salts, widely used as catalysts, constitutes an unexplored field for data. Much of the data are buried in the grey literature or are not released by industry. Coordination and standardization of existing data is therefore essential. Chairman Members Executive Committee Liaison Working Group on Environmental Life Cycle Inventories TERMS OF REFERENCE The objective of the task group is to facilitate the electronic exchange of high-quality, easily comparable data on environmental product life cycle inventories (LCI-data) for materials. This objective is pursued by three parallel but coordinated activities: Promoting the use of a standardised electronic format for LCI-data, ensuring harmonisation with the relevant ISO standards and procedures, especially furthering collaboration between the ISO TC 184: STEP and TC 207: Environmental management. The starting point of this work will be the machine-readable format developed by SPOLD, an international association of industries, along with nationally developed formats such as the SPINE format of Sweden. To improve the quality and comparability of LCI-data, the CODATA Working Group will develop, as a supplement to ISO-standard 14041, a recommendation for the procedures to be used for data collection and data treatment, including a list of minimum criteria for data quality documentation. The recommendations will be published as a guideline. The CODATA Working Group will suggest a procedure for how data could be validated according to the guideline. To assess the need for further development, the CODATA Working Group will, in co-operation with the UNEP-Working Group on Sustainable Product Development, investigate the current trends in use of LCI-data in industrial design. The requirements of industrial designers and the pitfalls to avoid when applying LCI-data in the design process will be investigated, as well as the needs and obstacles for integrating LCI-data in electronic tools used in design (CAD), manufacturing (CAM) and product data modelling (PDM). The three objectives will be pursued mainly through individual members of the Working Group providing the necessary investigations and writing drafts. The results will be exchanged and discussed via the Internet. Physical meetings are not planned, but may be held in conjunction with other international events where many of the Working Group members are present. The output of the three parallel activities are expected to be: Progress reports on the harmonization of exchange formats for LCI-data. First progress report planned for December 1999. Second progress report by December 2000. More frequent updates may be made available on the CODATA Internet site. Guideline for procedures used for collection, treatment, and quality documentation of LCI-data on materials. First draft to be circulated widely by December 1999, final version by next CODATA General Assembly (late in year 2000). Chairman Members Executive Committee Liaison CODATA Commissions Standardized Terminology for Access to Biological Data Banks TERMS OF REFERENCE:
Chairman Vice-Chairmen Members
Dr. James Beach Executive Committee Liaison
IUBS-CODATA-IUMS Species 2000: Indexing the World's Known Species A cooperative program with
IUBS and IUMS to accelerate the development of Global Master Species Databases
along with common access arrangements, with the goal of creating a virtual index
of all the world's known species. Species 2000 Project
Management Team Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary Ex-officio Dr. P.H. Mäkelä, President IUMS
ICSU/CODATA Group on Data and Information TERMS OF REFERENCE:
The Commission operates together with the ICSU Group on Data and Information as a small group that can act promptly in the face of fast-breaking issues. [Referred to collectively as the ICSU/CODATA Group on Data and Information.] Because normal practice varies amongst scientific disciplines, the Group will call upon experts not part of the Group to deal with specialized issues. The Commission will:
Chairman Members Executive Committee Liaison IUPAC-CODATA Standardization of Physico-Chemical Property Electronic Data Files (IUCOSPED) TERMS OF REFERENCE In the era of enhanced electronic communication and worldwide development of information systems, electronic publishing and the Internet offer powerful tools for the dissemination of all type of scientific information. This is now made available in electronic form not only from computerized databanks, but also from primary sources. However, because of the multitude of existing properties and variety of modes of presentation, the computer-assisted extraction of the numerical values of physico-chemical properties from primary sources is as difficult as before. As a consequence, the use of these data in Application Programs, their Evaluation, the Publication in Handbooks, and the storage in Data Banks, still remain a tedious and expensive operation, in spite of the electronic access to the data. The objective of IUCOSPED will be to design in cooperation with Data Publishers, Data Centers, and other Potential Data Users, the standard computer-readable file formats presenting the numerical data, as well as the relevant metadata, for each type of physico-chemical property, as they appear in primary publications. Authors will be encouraged to submit to the Editor their data in standard electronic format, in parallel with their article. Neither the printed nor the electronic publication of articles in primary journals or of the data in secondary or tertiary data sources need to be affected by the proposed standard formats. Each Publisher of a primary data source or of secondary or tertiary data sources may keep the traditional format as appropriate to the community of users of those sources. The objectives of the standard formats, the same for all primary publications, is to assure that the datafiles are clearly, uniformly, and completely documented. The standardizd data files will be disseminated exclusively in electronic form, most likely only via Internet. OUTPUT: The expected output during 1999 is the following:
Chairman Members
Dr. Andreas Barth Executive Committee Liaison Special Group on Environmental Ecosystem Conservation TERMS OF REFERENCE To coordinate work and exchange national information on the problem of bioaccumulation and bioindication of heavy metals pollution in the ecosystems of the circumpolar regions (Northwest regions of Russia, Scandinavia, Canada). To evaluate the emission and the role of transboundary transfer of heavy metals and some rare-earth elements in soil pollution of the circumpolar regions. To carry out biotests on the following bioobjects: mosses. lichens, mushrooms, fungi, microorganisms, conifers To map circumpolar regions pollution with heavy metals (Cd, Hg, Zn, Ni, Pb) and rare earths principally using new analytical technologies. To create analytical databases and electronic catalogue-guidelines for "Circumpolar ecosystems, toxicants, bioaccumulation and bioindication" for standardization of quantitative data; unification and statistical analysis of table data; problem extraction, unification and statistical analysis of data from electronic and printed sources; and also generalization of experimental data. To prepare and carry out the 2d workshop of the group in June 1999 and to work out a strategy for group activities for the next two years. To prepare articles, in particular the Proceedings of the 2nd workshop, for publication. To participate in international conferences and the work of related organizations, in particular to collaborate with the Working Group on Environmental Life Cycle Inventories (Chair: Prof. Bo Weidema) in Denmark. To develop a new version of the thesaurus on soil contamination evaluation using biological methods and to publish it in electronic format. Chairman Members |
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