International Council for Science : Committee on Data for Science and Technology CODATA Task and Working Groups 2000 CODATA Task Groups Data, Information and Visualization Data Management and Virtual Laboratories Data Sources in Asian-Oceanic Countries Scientific Data Sources in Africa Standard Physico-Chemical Data Formats The ICSU/CODATA ad hoc Group on Data and Information CODATA Working Groups Biological Collection Data Access Data, Information and Visualization Terms of Reference: Large-scale data and information collections open new avenues for research and development based on the completeness and quality of the collections. New Web-based, PC-based, and visualization technologies have revolutionized the management and use of scientific and technical data and information. The CODATA Task Group on Data, Information and Visualization brings to data and information consumers throughout the world the latest data, information, and knowledge technologies through workshops, special sessions, tutorials, and Web-based and printed publications. As data and information base management become common tools in every area, the Task Group activities introduce the state of the art developments in these technologies to diverse fields, such as those involved in putting museum collections on line. One area of special emphasis is on data and information visualization, tools that greatly expand users' ability to browse through, analyse and exploit large-scale data collections. The Task Group is interested in working with any group concerned with expanding knowledge of the latest data and information technologies. Chairman: Dr. Nahum D. Gershon (USA) Secretary: Prof. Hélène Bestougeff (France) Members: Consultants: Executive Committee Liaison: Prof. Shuichi Iwata
Data Management and Virtual Laboratories Terms of Reference: New measurement technologies have greatly increased the volume of global data, such as geodynamical, seismological, biological, satellite and linguistic data. This volume, as well as the interdisciplinary nature of many studies, requires new data handling and knowledge extraction techniques. The CODATA Task Group on Data Management and Virtual Laboratories aims to develop:
The Task Group has become a widely effective group in developing these new technologies and it is also exploring extension of these techniques to other disciplines. Chairman: Prof. Alexei Gvishiani (Russia) Vice-Chairman: Prof. Jacques O.Dubois (France) Treasurer: Prof. Jean Bonnin (France) Members: Experts: Executive Committee Liaison: Prof. Steve Rossouw
Terms of Reference: The CODATA Task Group on Data on Natural Gas Hydrates was newly approved in October 2000. The Task Group has as its objective the development of the concept of a comprehensive information system of all aspects of natural gas hydrates. It will formulate requirements on the type of data needed in the system and their quality sufficient for considering both basic problems of origin and transformation of gas hydrates in natural conditions and ways of exploitation of resources of natural gas hydrates. The considered data system must include data from different scientific disciplines and areas of technology. Goals include:
Chairman: Acad. Fedor A. Kuznetsov (Russia) Members: Executive Committee Liaison: Dr. Heinrich Behrens
Data Sources in Asian-Oceanic Countries Terms of Reference: The CODATA Task Group on Data Sources in Asian-Oceanic Countries (DSAO) has provided data experts in Asian-Oceanic countries with an organisation that encourages and facilitates regional knowledge sharing and co-operation in many areas of scientific and technical data. One area of particular emphasis is the promotion and enhancement of development of reliable databases in Asian and Oceanic Countries by precept and example. The Task Group organizes meetings on management, standardisation and quality control of Data in Asia and Oceanic countries. Recently the CODATA DSAO Task Group had just carried out a successful series of meetings addressing data topics of special interest to Asian-Oceanic countries. Abstracts and presentations for this meeting, entitled "Joint Forum: Taxonomy Initiatives for Biodiversity Conservation in an IT Era" are available at: http:// www-sp200ao.nies.go.jp/whatsnew/2001/January/jointforum/ index.html Chairman: Prof. Akira Tsugita (Japan) Vice-Chairman: Members: Consulting Members: Executive Committee Liaison: Prof. Sun Honglie
Terms of Reference: The CODATA Task Group on Fundamental Constants periodically provides the scientific and technological communities with a self-consistent set of internationally recommended values of the basic constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry based on all of the relevant data available at a given point in time. In calendar year 1999, the Task Group completed the production of a new set of constants based on information compiled over the previous few years. This set of constants is designated as the 1998 CODATA recommended set, as they are based on the information available up to the end of that year. The results of this adjustment are being widely disseminated through publications and various other forms, such as wallet cards and wall charts. The Task Group is remaining active and anticipates carrying out a new evaluation of the constants based on data available through the end of calendar year 2002. Chairman: Dr. Peter Mohr (USA) Members: Corresponding Member: Prof. Boris A. Mamyrin (Russia) Executive Committee Liaison: Dr. Krishan Lal
Terms of Reference: The names of organisms are the key to biodiversity communications and as such, provide access to the accumulated knowledge of all life on Earth. However, despite the obvious value of a catalogue, no comprehensive indexing system yet exists for the 1.75 million animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms named by science. This lack of a widely accessible index, with inbuilt mechanisms for maintenance and updating, is a significant constraint on all nations wishing to fulfill their obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Goal of the CODATA Task Group on Global Species Data Networks is to provide a uniform and validated quality index of names of all known species for use as a practical tool. The index will be used to provide:
One of the components of this species list is the Global Plant Checklist Project, which is preparing an index to all plant species. Chairman: Prof. Frank A. Bisby (UK) Vice-Chairs: Members: Executive Committee Liaison: Ms. Lois Blaine
Scientific Data Sources in Africa Terms of Reference: The CODATA Task Group on Scientific Data Sources in Africa has been newly approved. It is the first multi-national project within Africa to address scientific data problems. To the extent possible, the Task Group will make use of modern information technology to help development of scientific data resources for the less developed nations, especially in Africa. The Project will create an inventory on information resources pertaining to the Senegal River Basin (Senegal, Mali, Mauritania, Guinea). It will include a multidisciplinary approach covering fields as diverse as biodiversity, agronomy, environment and health, geography (GIS), biology, information and communications, sociology and social sciences, chemistry, toxicology, computer science and evaluation. Chairman: Dr. Abdoulaye Gaye (Senegal) Members: Consultants: Executive Committee Liaison: Prof. Paul G. Mezey
Standard Physico-Chemical Data Formats Terms of Reference: With over 25,000,000 chemical compounds reported in millions of scientific papers, chemical data is one of the most important classes of scientific data. In this age of web-based data, the need to have standards for sharing and exchanging chemistry data is more important than ever. CODATA has joined forces with the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the International Committee on Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) to develop formats for numerical chemical data. Two years of its establishment, the IUPAC-CODATA Task Group on Standard Physico-Chemical Data Formats, has made significant progress in developing and reviewing the presentation of numerical property presented in a standardized electronic format (SELFs). The components of SELF allow unambiguous identification of numerical data values, publisher and publication information, reference citation, physico-chemical property and chemical substances. In addition, the Task Group is using funding from the International Council for Science (ICSU) to develop a model data portal, called Data Explorer, that implements the SELFS for a variety of sources of physico-chemical property numerical data. The work of the Task Group is coordinated with the international project IUCODIX to establish effective working relationships among different types of organizations in the scientific information chain. Modern information technology has served to blur the distinctions between primary journal publishers, abstract services, database distributors, handbook publishers, and other institutions. The success of the current project is dependent on achieving cooperation among these different parties. Thus the participation of IUPAC, as a source of chemical expertise, CODATA, with its broad interest in data handling and data access, and ICSTI, with its representation from the publishing community, makes a powerful coalition to develop and demonstrate the needed standards. Chairman: Dr. Henry V. Kehiaian (France) Members: DIS and Software Developers: Consulting Members: Executive Committee Liaison: Dr. Vladimir S. Yungman
The ICSU/CODATA ad hoc Group on Data and Information Terms of Reference: The Group will continue to examine problems, policies, and possible solutions to issues of international access and exchange of data for scientific research. It will develop positions on behalf of CODATA and ICSU and present those positions as necessary to outside organizations and individuals concerned with scientific data access. National and international groups, often non-scientific in nature, may develop policies and procedures that can impact on data access for scientific research. The Group will emphasize the science viewpoint on the need for data access to those groups. The small size of the Group will allow it to act promptly in the face of fast-breaking issues. Because normal practice varies amongst scientific disciplines, the Group will call upon experts not part of the Group to deal with specialized issues. The Group will:
Chairman: Prof. Ferris Webster Members: Executive Committee Liaison: Dr. John Rumble, Jr.
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